Setting Your Intention Right

Assalamualaikum wbt

Everyday I wake up, I set an intention to be a better Muslim, a better daughter, a better sister, a better employee. To treat everyone better. To love everyone more.

Everyday, I try to observe closely all the things around me and learn some values from it.

Everyday, I try to set my intention right, to give and gain the best from everyone.

But many times, I failed, and people around me only see the failure part because that is the 'product'. People don't usually see the process. They just want to see the end result. Hence, they see me as a negative person, short-tempered, impatient, easily give up, unfriendly and many more. They don't see what I've done to be a better version of myself. They don't see the tears that fall for having to bear with all the hardships along the journey.

Like a lady who worked hard to bake a cake, but it turned out to be a disaster, and people would just point to her and said, " Your cake is a disaster". 

That's just the right way to reflect the situation that I'm in right now.

Other people don't see the struggle and the pure intention that I have made. That's why it all must start with and come back to Allah, The Most Merciful. The Most Gracious. The Most Understanding. He knows all, and He will grant us all with His blessings, with the goodness that He has promised. It is enough to know that Allah witnesses all of it and I believe, surely He will reward us all for the effort that we have made. Insya Allah.

The 'Me' Time

Assalamualaikum wbt

I love this. Alone. In a coffee shop. With a mug of hazelnut latte --- favorite companion for coffee time. Observing. Thinking. Jotting down some thoughts. That's just how I love my 'me' time.

But I know, as much as I love this 'me' time, I am absolutely do not belong to this kind of treat. I hate to say this, but I am definitely belong to the hectic life. Being busy. Being loaded with lots of chores and tasks to do. Having datelines to be followed. I have the tendency to be a workaholic but I refuse to think about it that way because the word sounds negative (to me), so perhaps I could just replace it with the word 'committed'. Yeah, that's better.

Amidst the chaotic life, I love the moment when I can finally sneak some time out for myself. That way, I learn to value my 'me' time even more. It doesn't need luxurious stuff to fill the treat and make me feel good. Sometimes a book and a cup of coffee, and some free time to write is enough to retreat myself.

Everybody has their own way of retreating themselves with 'me time'. It doesn't necessarily need to be on your own. Some people might love to have their best friend accompanying and do what they love to do together. Some people might use it to make self reflection, go to religious classes or talk, do volunteering work, and many more.

Whatever it is, how a person spend the 'me' time does not really matter as long as it does not go against what is prohibited. What matter most is that from each 'me' session, there is a sense of satisfaction to fulfill one's desire of escaping themselves from the daily routine or any problems. We need this. We all need this. With the hope that, every 'me' time can provide us all with a much relieved heart and mind, and of course, a booster to start the routine or to face any problem all over again.

That Little Hope For the World

Assalamualaikum wbt

I'm always touched by little gestures shown by other people.

Like a Chinese who politely said 'tumpang tanya' when he wanted to ask for directions.
Like a Nigerian Muslim who passed by, greeted me with smile and Assalamualaikum.
And the lady above (third from left), who is not yet a Muslim, but approached us and tell us that she loves the Muslims wearing hijab because they look beautiful, and asked us to wear the hijab on her, right at that moment.

There. Amidst the chaos and extreme terrorism, I believe we still have hope for this little world. Insya Allah.


Assalamualaikum wbt

Oh Allah, I still remember the day that I was extremely heartbroken.
I remember that it happened in Ramadhan.

I remember one night, as I was sitting in masjid, waiting for Tarawih prayer, memories started to come, and I, being the weakest person at that moment, could no longer hold my tears from falling.

Right at that time, Ummi patted my back, gently.
She was trying to comfort me.

She didn't even asked.
Not even a word.

It was as if she understood it all.
But of course, she did.
The pain, The sadness, The anger.

And my tears kept on falling.
Tears of relief. Tears of love.
Knowing that I have my mother to give me support.
And above all, I have Allah swt,
Who know all the good things meant for me, the slave.

Few years have passed.
I'm hoping for something good this time.
Something worth the pain and the tears.
May Allah ease. Insya Allah.

Definisi Cinta

Assalamualaikum wbt

Cinta, perkataan ini sahaja boleh buat sesiapa sahaja tersenyum dan tersipu. Betapa hebat kuasa cinta ini, sampai ke tahap dia bisa mengubah seseorang baik katanya, rupanya, mahupun tindakannya.

Dulu, bila sembang tentang ini, memang bukan main lagi dibuai-buai perasaannya. Mengelamun. Berangan. Pada setiap lagu-lagu cinta itu, tersimpan berjuta makna pada bait-bait lirik yang diungkap. Semuanya kalau boleh mahu dikait dengan perasaan sediri yang sedang bermain dalam hati.

Tetapi kian dewasa, kian membesar, cinta menjadi perkara yang semakin rumit untuk difikirkan. Kerana visi cinta kita kini telah menjadi lebih besar, lebih realistik, lebih jelas, dan lebih bermakna. Ada matlamat murni yang ingin dicapai untuk manfaat bersama. Bukan lagi samata-mata untuk kepuasan diri atau dilihat sebagai suatu bentuk "keperluan".

Visi ini, jika terlaksana, maka suburlah kasih sayang dalam diri setiap insan. Dengan kasih sayang ini, menjadi motivasi untuk sentiasa berusaha mencapai keharmonian dalam masyarakat, menjadi motivasi untuk mengajak lebih ramai kepada kebaikan, menjadi motivasi untuk diri sendiri terus melakukan kebaikan, yang akhirnya, akan membawa kepada pembinaan ummah yang kuat, kukuh, kental, harmoni, sejahtera dan segalanya yang baik, demi memakmurkan agama Islam pada setiap aspek.

Di puncak cinta ini, tentunya,
adalah untuk membolehkan kita semua sama-sama beroleh tempat di syurga Allah.
Jom, ubah visi cinta kita.

Insya Allah.

The Pioneer is Graduating Soon!

Assalamualaikum wbt

I'm so scared to put the title as above, because, you know, anything could happen before all of us graduates officially, but I pray really hard, hopefully God will ease us all and let everything run smoothly until convocation day!

So yes, as the title goes, I need not have to say much, we are walking towards it insya Allah.

Walking, because the official result and graduating status will only out in July or mid August. So, we are not running that's for sure. Lol.

Pheww. 4 years together!

Throughout the 4 years, we've seen the best part and the worst too, from everyone. And I mean it. EVERYONE. There's only 31 of us after Emy left, and it's so easy to get attached with each other and create a good bond. A close one of course. We've also created quite a good bond with the lecturers because our department is small too among the lecturers! Hehe.

I do not know how to put everything in my mind into words properly. Seriously, it's so hard. I can only shed tears when I recall the memories one by one. Probably because I have just too may things to be said that all of them could only make me remain speechless. Before I decided to post this, I've so many ideas on what I want to talk about and what I want to say, but once I placed my fingers on the keyboard, everything in my mind just vanished.

I've made a video for the class. Weeks before that, I have tons of ideas in my head on what to be given, and what the outcome of the video will turn out. I've even drafted all of them in paper. In my vision, it's going to be so detail, so memorable, so touching and superbbbb, but yeah, we can only plan. I realised that I don't really have much time to do all of those things that I've planned. I've even decided to postpone the making of the video, but because I really wanted to leave them with something to be remembered, hence, the video.

Tadaaaa. Seadanya sahaja, but Alhamdulillahhhhh!

Oh dear, I am definitely going to miss you guys so much! Langkawi, Melaka, those tours and field trips we went, kitchen and events, assignments, laughs, tears, stress, pressure and many moreeeee! Gaahhhhhh. I wanted to list everything but that's just impossible.

4 years, what a long journey. Never thought that we could make it till the end, but Alhamdulillah, we made it! We are graduating soon guysssss!

Thank you everyone, thank you lecturers, thank you coursemates, until we meet again.

Amiinnn insya Allah.

Mixed Feeling

Assalamualaikum wbt

Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal. All praise to Allah swt. The last paper has finally ended and I've got my thesis hardbound!

These few weeks have been quite an upside down, emotionally. I may be smiling and laughing, but deep down inside my heart, there's a mixed feelings. I'm all excited to finish my study, but at the same time, I'm sad, scared. It's hard to believe that it's ending. It feels so surreal! Somebody must pinch me hard and tell me that this is all happening.

And, it is.

The news feed has been filled with posts on graduating, finishing their last paper, submitting their hardbound thesis, and others related. I wanted to update too to express my feeling of accomplishment, gratitude, and such, but I have too many things to be said. If I can, I really want to go to each and everyone who have been there with me, just for me to say thank you.

I know the ultimate source of strength is from Allah swt. I know I wouldn't be able to be where I am right now without His guidance and His blessings. But, those people that have been with me are also a great source of strength and support sent by Allah swt.

Masya Allah, I have just too much to be said but I just couldn't express it all. For all the prayers, thoughtful words, supports, advice, laughs and tears, I can only pray that Allah swt will grant each and everyone of you with His love, His mercy, and His blessings.

Perempuan & Emosi

Assalamualaikum wbt

Kelemahan aku
Maka adakalanya aku lebih gemar berdiam

Tapi banyak masa aku gagal
Sebab emosi lebih besar daripada sabar
Dan aku masih
Gagal untuk kawal

Dan itu antara kegagalan terbesar aku
Penyesalan tak berkesudahan
Tetapi masih tetap berulang


MindRant 23

Assalamualaikum wbt

Coffee Syndrome

Assalamualaikum wbt

Scene 1:
Tengok kat rak nak ambil kopi
Baru perasan kopi dah habis
Lupa nak beli!


Whatsapp group Oojengster

Aku: "Sape ada kopi kat bilik? Nak satu boleh tak. Tak ingat nak beli tadi T.T"
Tikah: "Milo je ada" (worries)
Pipah: "Kesian nini. Sory pah takda kopi" (adui takde sorang pun ke ada)
Roi: "Anis ada. Old town." (Yeay!)

Aku: "Anis adaaaaa. Anisssss"
Roi: "Nini ko ni dah ketagih ni"


Scene 2:
On the way balik kolej.

Ummi: "Tadi kurma ke kerepek-kerepek yang Abi suruh bawak ada ambil tak?"
Aku: "Tak. Lupa nak ambil tadi."
Ummi: "Kopinya bawak tak?"
Aku: "Bawak. hehehe"
Ummi: -_________________-

I know when they see coffee, they will remember me. Muehehe

The Loss

Assalamualaikum wbt

You know recently we lost Opah after a 14 years battle with stroke. Last year, Atok Mujer passed away. He is a familiar figure in Nenek's house whenever we went to Meru because he would always stopped by to have a meal or to just rest. So to not having him around when we came back to Meru was a little awkward at first. One by one has gone from our sight, forever. I have not yet felt any loss among close relatives until Atok Mujer and Opah, and both, hurt. I can't imagine if the time comes for any other more to go, but when it happens, it's on Qadr of Allah, and we have to be patience. Redha.

Yes, the word 'redha' was uttered a lot when Opah passed away. People who came to pay their last respect mentioned the word so many times, especially when they were consoling Atok. Redha means to accept things wholeheartedly. People's loss is a kind of escape for them from worldly trials, and it then becomes a trial for us who are still alive ------ to bear with the pain of losing the beloved ones.

Those loss, brought to emptiness.

Since Atok Mujer passed away, Nenek has moved to Mak Ngah's house because there is no more point of living there, alone. Same goes to Atok now after the loss of Opah. Both house, empty. Opah's bed, empty.

I guess that's what Allah wanted to convey through the loss. The fact that the world is so temporary. That no matter how much we love someone, either one of us will be gone and nothing stays in this world. Everything will be empty in the end. We all die in the end. Nothing lasts. Nothing stays.


Assalamualaikum wbt

10.06.16. Jumaat. 5 Ramadhan.

Opah, akhirnya pergi meninggalkan semua yang tercinta. Hilanglah segala perit menanggung sakitnya bertahun-tahun. Hilanglah peritnya menanggung sebak tidak dapat berkata-kata dengan suami, anak dan cucunya. Hilanglah segala derita, duka dan lara pada hari dan bulan yang mulia, yang aku percaya suatu nikmat Allah berikan, berkat sabarnya selama ini.

The pains, has finally stopped.

Suasana sayu bila sampai rumah Atok. Selalunya bila langkah sahaja pintu masuk, akan nampak Opah baring atas katil di ruang tamu, menghadap tv, matanya merenung sekeliling, tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa kerana lumpuh, hanya mampu memerhati setiap gerak geri. Hari itu, tatkala melangkah masuk, Opah masih lagi di atas katil yang sama, tetapi tiada lagi bernyawa, hanya kain yang menyelubungi tubuhnya.

Di luar, Achu dan Ummi berpelukan sebaik sampai, melepaskan air mata yang ditahan. Di dalam, senyum tawar sahaja mampu Cikli berikan waktu bersalaman. Maya mengusap belakang Abi, tanda pujukan untuk bersabar. While Atok kept saying "Opah dah takde". Bibik pun sama. Siapakah yang mampu menanggung sebak dan pedih kehilangan isteri dan ibu tercinta?

Buka puasa. Segalanya terasa hambar. Tiada selera. Kurang perisa. Aku tahu, setiap daripada kami sedang menahan air mata daripada melimpah di hadapan rezeki. But Atok could no longer handle it. He cried, while eating. And that disturbed my emotion the most. Everyone remain silent, while understanding each other's feelings at that moment.

Sepanjang itu, memori lama menjengah satu per satu di dalam fikiran. Terkenang waktu Opah masih sihat dan kuat, Opah pernah mandikan aku dan adik ketika kami masih kecil dan Opah adalah yang paling rajin buat kek dan kuih muih. Kalau ada kelapangan, Opah akan berada di depan tv dan salin resepi yang ada dalam rancangan memasak. Aku teringat opah buatkan biskut mazola guna penutup botol sebagai acuan. Aku masih ingat juga sewaktu opah separa lumpuh, bila setiap kali datang jenguk Opah, Opah akan kata "Nini lawa. Muka nini macam ita (achu)". She always said that I resembled Achu, in a glance.

But, those were the days.

Alhamdulillah, aku berpeluang untuk turut serta dalam pengurusan jenazahnya bermula Opah dimandikan sampai dikuburkan. Hanya waktu solat jenazah sahaja yag aku tak berkesempatan. I witnessed all for the first time. Pada hari jenazah dikebumikan, semua mulai tenang, sehinggalah tiba masa jenazah Opah diturunkan dari van jenazah, dibuka semula kain kafan yang menutupi wajahnya untuk tatapan terakhir ahli keluarga dan yang hadir ketika itu. Waktu itu... waktu itu emosi kembali tidak terkawal. Sedih dan sebak. Bercucuranlah air mata semua. Menyedari hakikat bahawa inilah dia, ciuman terakhir, tatapan terakhir, sebelum disemadikan dan ditinggalkan, selama-lamanya.

"Selamat tinggal dunia, sesungguhnya daripada Allah kita datang, kepada Allah jualah kita kembali"

Kematian mengingatkan kita bahawa kita ini milik mutlak Allah swt dan dunia ini sementara cuma. Suatu hari, kita pula akan menyusul.

This Ramadhan, we lost a strong, compassionate and loving woman. Moga Allah ampunkan segala dosa Opah dan kurniakan belas kasihNya pada Opah. Berdamailah Opah. Moga rohmu dicucuri rahmat. You will be missed dearly. 

Al Fatihah
Hajjah Siti Hafsah bt Mohd Amin

A Reminder

Assalamualaikum wbt

You know there are times when we felt that there are too much things to be done, and we started to question ourselves, "why am I doing all of these?". Worst, when we started to came across a feeling of "I don't even get anything from this".

That happened.

And I got this from a dear friend of mine.

Only we know what we had done. Do not expect anything from human. Allah knows all our mujahadah and struggles. Allah knows. 

Yes dear. Allah knows. And He knows all.
A very kind reminder. A very soothing one too.
Sometimes we focused on too much things just to satisfy other people, and to satisfy ourselves, that we forgot the main reason of doing it, and all of it, is solely to gain Allah's blessings. If we could remain the heart to be sincere all the time, we wouldn't be questioning such questions as mentioned above, and we wouldn't be bothered if our works are not appreciated. Because we know, in the end, all that matter is Allah. And that is enough.

May we all be protected from this bad feeling. May we all be granted with sincerity in doing any good things. Insya Allah.

MindRant 22

Assalamualaikum wbt

You apologise for the things that you have not done wrong.
for the things that you don't even do.
While others keep preaching about the greatest contribution that they have made,
without realising the fact that they are the one who have done wrong.
This world is pathetic.


Assalamualaikum wbt

Sebenarnya aku dah tulis dalam diari yang aku tak akan catakan apa-apa progress FYP dalam buku, dalam blog dan di mana-mana sahaja. Memang kalau habis sahaja urusan FYP ini, mahu aku campakkan jauh-jauh segala yang berkaitan, tak mahu lagi dikenang.

Tapi terpanggil harini nak menulis sesuatu. Bukanlah progress, hanya cetusan di minda.

Masuk minggu ini, bermakna aku hanya ada dalam 2 minggu sahaja lagi untuk selesaikan semuanya dan persembahkan karya agung ini kepada para pensyarah yang akan menjadi panel hakim seminar nanti.

The thing about FYP aku ialah, aku mengalami masalah tak cukup responden. Kenapa? Sebab responden aku perlu terdiri daripada pengusaha-pengusaha IKS (Industri Kecil Sederhana), yang mana.... amatlah susah untuk dapatkan kerjasama dan contact info yang tepat daripada mereka. Dan... aku totally faham.

"We are in a social science industry, kalau dapat respon rate 3% pun dah cukup bagus dah", kata salah seorang pensyarah.

Kalaulah thesis ini tak perlu dipersembah dan dijelaskan di hadapan orang lain, mahu sahaja aku stick dengan 3% tu. Mudah. Tapi, serupa tak payah buat thesis lah kalau gitu rupanya. Sekarang dah di saat-saat akhir ini, aku hanya fikir nak habiskan secepat mungkin. Tetapi adakala datang juga fikiran-fikiran yang membuat aku menyesal untuk jalankan kajian tentang topik ni. Seperti merendamkan diri sendiri dalam air sungai yang dalam dan deras. Ya, sangat terasa seperti aku menyusahkan diri sendiri.

Itulah dia. Konon-kononnya tak nak ambil jalan mudah sangat, nanti tak mencabar. Tengok sekarang sendiri merana.

Pokok pangkal yang aku nak highlightkan di sini adalah, kita lebih tahu mengenai diri kita, maka ukurlah baju di badan sendiri. Kita tahu sejauh mana kemampuan kita, dan jika kita tidak mahu tatkala kita ada pilihan lain, maka tolaklah.

Apa-apa pun semuanya bergantung kepada individu. Tetapi aku percaya, pada apa sahaja keputusan yang akhirnya telah dibuat, dalam keadaan sengaja atau tidak, rela atau tidak, aku tahu, Allah jua yang izinkan untuk ia berlaku sebegitu rupa. Maka, berdoalah. Moga sentiasa diberi kekuatan untuk menempuhnya.

Fuh, sikit lagi nih!


Assalamualaikum wbt

Aku kira umat sejak adanya internet ini akan lebih banyak hitungannya di akhirat nanti lantaran banyaknya perkara yang telah ditulis dan dikongsi.

Hitungan samada ianya bermanfaat atau tidak.
Hitungan samada melanggar syariat atau tidak.

Aku kira ramai juga tidak sedar bahawa setiap perkongsian dan penulisan alam maya itu adalah sebuah seruan, dan kita akan dihitung, adakah kita juga turut melakukan yang sama, atau sekadar berkata kosong sahaja.

Keep Calm

Assalamualaikum wbt

It is so hard to stay rational and be calm when you know, by nature, you are a very emotional person. But I know a rage can't solve a problem or a heart disturbance. I know at this age of mine, things can't be solved emotionally. Calmness is essential so that you can think wisely and words would not harm anyone. I am trying very very hard and I'm proud of those times that I have successfully overcome.  

Positif #4: Hope

Assalamualaikum wbt

She had this way
of always finding the good and
believing in everything
despite all that
she had seen. And
that is what I loved the most -
the pure magic
of her undying hope.
- Becca Lee

There is still so much hope.
In this little fragile heart.
That was broken few times,
But made the way to be built again,
And again,
And again.

Positif #3: Terima Kasih!

Assalamualaikum wbt

Terima kasih!

Pada akak yang kayuh basikal pagi-pagi untuk ke kerja, pada makcik yang selalu rajin cucikan tandas dan susunkan kasut selipar kami di luar dengan penuh senyuman, pada pakcik pekebun yang gigih menjaga pokok dan menyiramnya setiap hari, pada abang yang rajin menyapu dan 'blow' daun-daun kering di tepi jalan, pada tuan polis bantuan yang sentiasa bantu berhentikan kereta untuk bolehkan kami lintas jalan, dan pada mana-mana 'unsung heroes' yang sentiasa dipandang sebelah mata.

Terima kasih!

Pada sekumpulan lelaki budiman, yang pabila ada gadis datang duduk di meja sebelahnya, dikibas-kibaskan tangannya agar asap daripada vape itu tak terkena ke gadis-gadis itu. Lalu menyedari hakikat bahawa ianya tak dapat dielakkan, mereka lantas bangun dan beredar agar gadis-gadis tidak berasa tidak selesa.

Moga-moga diberikan hidayah dan sentuhan kalbu agar tergerak untuk meninggalkan amalan vape yang tidak bermanfaat, agar menjadi budiman yang sempurna dan sebenar-benarnya.

Terima kasih semua!

Sebenarnya ada banyak perkara yang boleh kita teladani, hanya sahaja kita mahu melihatnya sebagai sesuatu yang baik dan positif.


Assalamualaikum wbt

Sejak beberapa tahun yang lepas, aku mula rajin-rajin amalkan beri salam kepada orang bilamana aku ada peluang. Aku kenal ke, tak ke, aku beranikan untuk mula memberi salam. Kadang pada makcik yang tengah sediakan paip nak cuci tandas, kadang pada staf yang tengah duduk-duduk santai selepas buat kerja, kadang pada staf yang tengah duduk di meja kaunter bila aku lalu depan pejabat, kadang pada pakcik yang sedang siram pokok bunga, kadang pada pakcik yang tengah bersihkan dedaunan kering di tepi jalan, kadang pada pak cik pengawal keselamatan bilamana aku lalu depan post guard. Kadang pada kawan yang aku tiba-tiba terserempak dekat tepi jalan. Kadang pada pensyarah yang kebetulan sedang menunggu sewaktu aku keluar daripada lif.

Salam ni adalah sebuah doa.

Salam bukan setakat diamalkan untuk diucap kepada kakak senior di asrama bila lalu berselisih dengan mereka. Dan bukan sahaja diamalkan ketika berselisih dengan cikgu ketika di sekolah.

Kalau kita boleh buat waktu zaman sekolah dahulu. Kenapa tidak selepas itu? Kenapa tidak sekarang ketika kita kian menginjak dewasa dan lebih mengerti makna adab dan akhlak?

Perkara yang aku amat amat amat suka pada pemberian salam ialah respon yang aku dapat kemudiannya. Senyuman manis, bersama salam yang dibalas. Aih... sangat boleh menaikkan semangat dan menceriakan hari kau! Sangat!

Untuk yang belum pernah cuba, ayuhlah kita amalkan! Percaya pada setiap kebaikan yang kecil, pasti ada ganjaran yang Tuhan telah janjikan. Paling penting sekali, impaknya pada orang yang dihulurkan salam tersebut. Walau tampak sedikit, mustahil tak tersentuh hatinya. Kadangkala, melalui perkara kecil beginilah ada doa yang diutus secara senyap, juga ada kebaikan yang akan tersebar walaupun berskala kecil.

Positif #2: School

Assalamualaikum wbt

The other day, I was on my way back to the faculty after having my lunch. When I was passing the stationery store, I've suddenly stumbled upon a familiar figure. A familiar face. A lady. She was just coming out of the store. I stopped and turned around few times before I realised that she was my teacher who'd taught me chemistry back in high school! I was in disbelief. I quickly became so excited and still in surprise when I first greeted her with "Cikgu??!". I was even happier when she mentioned my name! That means she still remembered me. Honestly, we both got very excited. We had a little chat before saying goodbye and I was already eager to bumped with her again in the future. 

You see how little things can immediately cheer you up for the whole day. 

Back in high school year, I was quite a passive student. I did get involved with some curricular activities, but I was not expressive or loud or creative like others. I didn't have specific groups of friends to be clingy with or hangout with when the recess time comes. I was not good in sports. And considering myself in an elite school, placed in one of the top classes, my English proficiency was quite weak and my academic performance was just average compared to others. Due to that, I always felt timid and lack of confident although people around me were super nice and friendly and nonjudgmental. It was a very different version of me compared to myself in hostel.

Till today, I never really keen to reminisce or cherish my time in high school, but I am always proud to be a part of it. 

However, the accidental 'meet up' with my former high school teacher that day was enough to make me realised that I had actually manage to create some fond memories in high school life. Not much, but enough for me to feel glad and grateful. I may not have the best high school life like other people, but at least I know that I have some good old memories and some good people to be remembered whenever people asked me about my high school year next time.  

Positif #1: Doa

Assalamualaikum wbt

Sepanjang hidup, sudah tentu kita akan berjumpa dengan orang yang bermacam-macam perangainya juga kerenahnya, yang kadang kala buat kita berkata "Ehhh orang macam ni pun ada ke?". Biasa kita dengar cerita orang lain dan anggap itu perkara biasa, tapi bila kita sendiri yang merasa, kita akan sampai ke tahap 'tak percaya' bahawa di dalam dunia ni, ada orang yang pentingkan diri dan menyusahkan orang lain. 

Dalam zaman belajar ni, kau akan biasa dengan cerita-cerita tak puas hati orang ini terhadap orang itu bila tiba bab nak siapkan 'Assignment'. Sebenarnya, bukan takat 'assignment', bahkan tugasan lain contohnya dalam organisasi kepemimpinan, program-program, dan macam-macam. Dan, benda ni, akan berterusan sampailah bila kau kerja sekalipun. Percayalah.

Tapi kalini aku tak nak fokus pada yang negatif. Aku akan cuba bawa kepada sesuatu yang positif.


Semua orang tahu, terutamanya Muslim, betapa pentingnya dan berkuasanya sebuah doa. Betapa sebuah doa mampu mengubah sebuah situasi, mengubah sekeping hati, merealisasi sebuah mimpi. Semua orang juga pasti pernah dengar riwayat yang mengatakan doa seorang saudara kepada saudaranya yang lain itu, secara senyap, adalah antara doa yang paling dimakbulkan.

Persoalannya, sejauh mana keyakinan kita pada hakikat itu? Dan sekuat mana kita bersungguh untuk mengamalkannya?

Sedar atau tidak, kita ini hidup dengan penuh kritikan dan rungutan, tanpa tindakan. Mulut sahaja bising, tapi tiada usaha untuk mengubah keadaan. Walau bagaimanapun, kita juga tak boleh menafikan bahawa setiap orang ada kekuatan dan kelemahan masing-masing. Ada orang dia ada kekuatan untuk 'stand out', berterus terang, lantang bersuara dan menolak ketidak adilan atau perkara yang tidak digemarinya. Tapi kita kena akui juga bahawa ada insan-insan yang memang tiada keupayaan tersebut. Lalu adakah orang yang tiada kekuatan itu tidak ada 'kuasa' untuk mengubah?

Maka, waktu inilah doa memainkan peranan penting. 

Seandainya, kita tiada kekuatan untuk menolak atau menentang perkara yang kita tidak gemar, maka berdoalah kepada Allah agar kita ada kekuatan itu atau setidak-tidaknya, kita berdoa semoga Allah jauhkan kita daripada perkara begitu. Begitulah bila kita mendapati ada perkara yang tidak kita gemari pada seseorang, doalah juga antara penyelesaiannya. Kenapa? Sebab doa daripada seorang saudara kepada saudaranya yang lain itu adalah antara doa yang sangat dimakbulkan.     

Daripada kita terus merungut tentang sikapnya, membicarakan aibnya, adalah lebih baik untuk kita berdoa supaya orang itu dikurniakan kelembutan hati untuk berubah, berakhlak, dan sebagainya. 

Kenapa aku berani tulis ni? Sebab itulah yang aku cuba buat pada seseorang ini, dan alhamdulillah, dengan izinNya, dia sudah perlahan-lahan berubah menjadi lebih baik. 

Apa kuncinya? Positif, bersangka baik dengan Allah, dan yakin dengan kuasaNya juga aturanNya.
Sesungguhnya Allah jualah pemegang hati insan-insan yang lemah ini. PadaNya sahajalah kita berharap. Dan kita juga berdoa semoga Allah lindungi kita daripada sikap-sikap buruk dan negatif yang memudaratkan orang lain. 

Jom doa!


Assalamualaikum wbt

Hatinya hitam penuh kelam
Zikirnya semakin hilang
Taatnya makin kurang

Dia yang sentiasa penuh dengan angan
Mahu bahagia sahaja, tak mahu derita
Mahu gembira sahaja, tak mahu sedih
Mahu suka sahaja, tak mahu duka

Cita-cita menggunung tinggi
Namun berawangan sahaja seperti awan

Angannya mahu ke langit ketujuh
Tapi bumi yang dipijak pun tidak utuh

Di yang semkain menjauh
Hilang arah, hilang teguh
Goyah iman, panjang angan
Entah masih mampu atau tidak
Hidup ini dia tempuh


Assalamualaikum wbt

This semester, we have a class with a lecturer that highlights so much about the importance of being a good presenter. One day, she asked us to present and all of us were evaluated. It was very nerve-wrecking as if we had not done it before just because she mentioned 'EVALUATION'. At the end of each presentation, she commented on each and everyone of us. Surprisingly, comments made were very beautiful and conveyed in a positive way. It was commented in a away that could motivate us to improve for the better. Some even make me felt " Woah, hebatnya dia!". 

But what I wanna highlight is the fact that, at the end of the study, some of us have been known and recognized with our own talent/strength/personality. We have designers, bakers, joke-maker, entrepreneur, good speaker, good leader and so on. We have also people that can present professionally, with high confidence, with well spoken accent, with the ability to interact with audience, and with high creativity.  

I guess, after some time, all of us have been developing something. All of us have a niche and strength that can potentially be developed for the benefit of other people.  


Hijab: The Purpose

Assalamualaikum wbt

#mediaskillsworkshop #designedonpiktochart

Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2016 with 'Kids'

Assalamualaikum wbt

Maya came to UPM last Friday, with her friends for the sake of this event. So we rented a car, picked them up at TBS, and head to Putrajaya. We read the details in facebook page, and found out that the balloons will be up in the early morning and after 6pm. Hence, as soon we arrived, we went to grab something to eat and waited until 6.30pm.

Nope. No balloons are up yet. Only this helium balloon was up.


We then decided to come back at night, hoping that there are some floating in the air already. So off we go to Masjid Putra for Maghrib prayer, and came back afterwards. Okaylah, got hot air balloons that were set up by the crew. They floated few meters from the ground, for a while. But, two balloons only. Barely floating.

After hassling to reach there, plus the hot weather, it was quite a disappointment to not be able to see the EXPECTED varieties of floating hot air balloons. Hahaha. But I may not be as disappointed as Maya and the others, because I was not anticipating it very much. But it was still great.

The event host has already stated the condition and whatnots in their website even before the event started:

"Due to Malaysia’s unique tropical climate, the weather does not permit the balloons to fly in the afternoon as the temperature rises. In order for the balloon to fly, the balloonist will have to burn more hot air in the balloon envelope, and this could be taxing to the balloon, as the ‘hot air’ will be too hot, deeming very dangerous flying conditions. Also in the afternoon, the windy atmosphere poses a threat and can be dangerous for passengers.
When it is raining, it is definite that the balloons will get wet and be waterlogged, again deeming dangerous flying conditions."

Oh well, Malaysia tengah super panas sekarang. No shirts can be worn for more than once now because the body is constantly sweating phewww. My bed is not my lover now. The cement floor is. 

From Woman, To Women

Assalamualaikum wbt

It's International Women's Day and everywhere in the social media, lots of posts have been made with woman as the theme.

As I am writing this down, I am feeling so much grateful and blessed to have been born as a Muslim with a decent family background, enough for me to understand that a woman's creation by God is such a wonder, a symbolic of His Greatness and the fact that Islam came to lift up the level of woman and save them from being degraded. 

Being raised in a family where all of the members are female except my father, we deal with so much emotional rages, so much sensitivity and fight over ridiculous matters, which lead to a question "Why don't I have brothers instead?". However, as I grow up, and as each one of us walking towards maturity, I realised that having them in my life are comforting, and I started to see the strength and positive value in them, and while I go through some hardships as they do, I tend to value them even more. Fights reduced as we all grow, perhaps because we are women, so we tend to understand each other even more (emotionally), and try to give support (even in silence) instead of bashing or neglecting. Most of the times. 

So many strong woman figures around us, an inspiration to their family, children, colleagues, students and everyone! Today, we celebrate the women in our life as an honor for their sacrifices, intelligence, strengths, success and many more good qualities. From Khadijah r.a, to the Queen of our heart ----- our beloved Mother, there are just so many incredible women for us to look up to. Today, they are celebrated, not to fight for equality, but to seek for equity, fairness. At the same time, we must not deny the fact that men and women are created for each other and in need to complete each other as well.

We all have a strong quality that can be benefited for other people. 
We all have that one ADVANTAGE that may not have in others. So utilised it. 
To all the women out there, to all the unsung heroines, 
Happy International Women's Day!

So much love from me. 


Assalamualaikum wbt


Friends come and go 
As the currents ebb and flow 
The swells and ripples that they make 
Leave mixed emotions in their wake 
For some friends drift with changing tide 
Come on strong and then subside 
Only to be cast Upon the shore 
Disappear and be seen no more 
But Some friendships are strong enough to stand 
the changing tides and shifting sand 
What is strong enough to set these friendships apart 
Affinity of mind and heart 
Love much more than mere token 
thoughts understood 
Yet unspoken 
A common bond, a mutual goal 
An understanding heart and soul 
It's these little things that mean so much 
Are strokes of friendship's velvet touch 
[Karina, sfraves, 2002]

You're Beautiful

Assalamualaikum wbt

Being the kind,
that aspire to be a professional career woman, with great attitude, great work ethics, great family, great supporters and many other greatness, 
will probably be seen as too much for a person.
  It is not impossible, but man, it is undoubtedly not going to be easy either. 
Being a lady, 
the talk on insecurity is so common. It will go on and on without knowing when to stop.
But one thing for sure,
that this insecurity can always be 'solved' when confidence came along.
Insecurity cannot be diminished, nor can it be given too much focus. 
It is needed to complete a lady.
Like a pill.
Too much can kill,
But not taking it would harm even more.
Being a lady,
she wants to appreciate each and everyone that comes into life. 
She wants to cherish and be grateful with all of the things she has.
Tangible or intangible.
But she cannot stand alone.
One cannot go to everyone and tell them beautiful without feeling the same on her own.
It is subjective. 
It is.
But for whatever definition of beauty that all of us are holding to,
Let's take a moment and tell the wonderful people in our life,
of how beautiful they are.
Their face. Their calmness. Their patience. Their intelligence.
All of these,
are a symbol of beauty.
Tell them.

We Made It!

Assalamualaikum wbt

I'm not in there. Haha. But we made it into the magazine, yeay!

That Muslimah

Assalamualaikum wbt

I'm in the middle of struggle for so many things and it had come to a point where I just want to give up. I just thought that there are too many things to catch up and too many things to be fixed. But, as much as I want to give up, deep down inside my heart, I prefer to stay and try my very best to find my way to face all of these at once. If I step back and turn away, I am not going to win this battle and that sucks even more. To be defeated would ache more than facing the fight and got bleed.

I know I need to rise and have the courage to step forward. I need to change myself to be a better person. I want to be that Muslimah who is always busy managing her career, seeking knowledge, finding out ways to contribute to the ummah, serving her parents, family and friends excellently, and so much more! 

I know I can and I know I am not alone. I have so many excellent Muslimah icons for me to look up to and be inspired with. And of course, above all, I have Allah swt to guide me through all of these challenges and hardships. Insya Allah, I can do this!

MindRant 21

Assalamualaikum wbt

Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges, wish for more wisdom. The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become. Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become. 
Jim Rohn


Assalamualaikum wbt

Sejujurnya aku merasa amat berat nak tulis ni, but, here we go.

Throughout my years in UPM, I must say, that I have been very very very blessed to have been eased in terms of adapting myself in the new environment. When I was in foundation, I have roommates that immediately became close and clingy. When I entered degree, to my surprise, I have my own ex-classmate (of foundation year) as my roommate, thus I need not to make so much effort to adapt myself in degree life and to mingle with others. And she is named Fasihah Shamsuddin. We called her 'Mache' because she literally lives in Machang, Kelantan. Hahaha. Ini semua kerja Zia.

Honestly, in this 4 years time (almost), she has actually been the most supportive, attentive, and the best of friend. She is the most genuine person anyone ever known. She is always herself, all the time. Right from her attitude to her attire, it's all very 'Mache'. You get what I mean right? You know you are very blessed and lucky if you have a friend that can be clingy with, be fun with, but at the same time, always reminding you to be good, be kind, to have good thoughts (the one that I'm not good at), to pray and to remain calm from time to time, and this person, is everything about it. Of course, she never is a perfect person. Everyone have flaws. But, the positive vibes that she has, override the negative one, which is very little. I'm not exaggerating. This is exactly who she is.

She may not know this, but, setiap kali aku balik dari kelas, atau balik dari rumah, atau dari mana-manalah, once sampai je bilik, one thing that I'll look for is her slipper or shoes. Yeah, kinda creepy right? Mohon jangan salah faham. I always love when she is around. It's a kind of calmness and a feel of ease that are indescribable. Now that she has left, for good, aku betul-betul tak tahu how am I going to survive the earlier phase of my final semester next month. It will definitely be very emotional and challenging, but insya Allah, I'll get through it, just because, it will be over somehow. Someone reminded me, "Ini, akan berlalu". And it will, insya Allah.

To this person, terima kasih tidak terhingga untuk segala-galanya. Terima kasih sudi jadi peneman masak, peneman beli makanan, peneman berjalan, 'jogging', hahaaa, sentiasa sudi mendengar dengan setia segala luahan dan cerita aku walaupun kadangkala berulang kali topik yang sama, terima kasih selalu datang event luncheon aku untuk support, sentiasa bagi semangat dan ada waktu susah dan senang, sentiasa tegur bila aku dalam kedaan tak betul, sentiasa ajar aku sangka baik, sentiasa tunjuk contoh yang baik dan macam-macamlah. Mohon maaf pada segala salah silap, terkasar bahasa dan tersilap bicara.

Aku akan rindddduuuuu sangat pergi beli makanan sama-sama, makan kat lantai sambil tengok video, gossip pasal the 'hipsters' (kau faham kan?) hahaha, pergi sewa kereta and berjalan tak ingat dunia, explore tempat-tempat yang kau tak pernah pergi. Aku akan rindu balik je dari kelas nak bercerita apa-apa yang jadi pada haritu, atau sampaikan salam dari ehem ehem. Aku akan rindu nak habiskan sayur-sayur dari makanan kau sebab kau tak suka makan sayur. Aku sure kalau aku tengok orang-orang yang berkaitan ni, atau kalau aku duduk lepak-lepak dengan gengfood nanti, aku akan teringat kau sangat. Maigaddd, macamanalah sem depan ni.

Walau apa pun, inilah dia namanya lumrah kehidupan. Sebuah pertemuan akan pasti ada perpisahan, baik dengan jarak ataupun kematian. Wherever you are, I'll always pray for your good, and please take care. Kalau tak masa ini kita berpisah, nanti di penghujung zaman belajar ni pun, kita akan berpisah juga. In the end, we would all have to deviate to take our own paths and to take the new steps for a new life. Circle kita semua akan berbeza eventually. Thank you for everything! Moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kau dunia akhirat. Moga Allah ganjari dengan pahala dan belas kasihNya kerana sentiasa menyantuni seorang sahabat. Moga kita terus bersahabat baik, sampai bila-bila, sampai syurga! Aku sayaaaaaaangggg kau sangat, lillah!

"Kita bertemu, untuk bertemu selamanya"


Perfect Bouquet

Assalamualaikum wbt

As much as I love roses, but my heart blooms when I see this beautiful bouquet. It is the most perfect combination of my favourite flowers: rose, peonies, and ranunculus, and it's in creamy white! My favourite colour! 

Belongs to, found in Pinterest. 

When A Foodie Talks About Arts

Assalamualaikum wbt

One day marina texted me, asking me about my opinion on her designs for her final project and exhibition. She was asking me about her poster design, on how to alter it to make it look balance and all, and my suggestion went something like this.

Oh screw me. Hahahaha. As much as I love designing and arts and everything related, I must be honest that I am not a creative person. Not at all. I can only be good at getting inspired and produce the exact design that I'm inspired with. Hahah. 

You know, when I was little, I had the ambition to become a doctor, and that could make any parents proud and hopeful, until just one day, when I about to finish my high school, I decided to become a graphic designer. Being so close with Marina since childhood and having to share the same interest, we both had even planned to pursue graphic design together, and we applied. We plan, Allah plans too, and His planning is always the best of all. Marina got it, went for interview, and passed it, but I didn't. So right at that moment, our path started to deviate. Maybe because I am not that creative, God forbid me from graphic design and let me be in the food industry instead.

Me and Marina, we both rarely meet up but once we do, we would talk like there is no tomorrow as there are too much things to share all at a time. And often, at the end of the talk, we would went sentimental and always amazed at how much this friendship could last. Meanwhile, I would always added that how I am proud with her pursuing graphic design and excel in it. The fact that she is pursuing what we both love is a kind of happiness to me and is just so exciting as well. It's like, since I don't get the chance, so she is somewhat pursuing it for me too. Get it? hahah. Although I am not in the designing industry as much as I wish for it, Marina would always asks me for opinions on her designs, and that make me feel appreciated. She knows that I love it so much and still, now.

That's why I love you *oopss* hahah, and will always do insya Allah!

"Pray for our life route okay. Hopefully each of our step takes us to something better and bigger." - Marina

Hanan All Grown Up

Assalamualaikum wbt

One day, just before the new year came, Ummi posted in family whatsapp group, saying "Ummi kat sekolah hanan ni. Orientasi dia.". Somewhat like this lah. And yes, it's her secondary school orientation. She is entering a whole new world of a teenager, where ups and downs and emotional rages are a part of the teenage life. Whoah, time definitely passes too fast! I still treated her like a kid you know (most of the time). Can't move on yet. 

Being raised among big sisters, she developed the sense of maturity as she grows up. She didn't even fancy toys when she was little. Mobile and computer games were her best companion instead. She reads encyclopedia and scientific comics, and Nat Geo is one of her favourite channel. Oh beware with her speech and your speech too, she is good at manipulating, backing herself up with lots of reasons which is mostly unreasonable. Hahahahah. Her way of thinking and behaving are way ahead than other kids at the same age. It sometimes annoy us to the point where she takes our jokes seriously, and I mean, most of the time, and we would went " Hanan ni tak funlah!". Yeah, she gets that a lot, from us. Haha. 

At one point, I just thought that maybe, just maybe, instead of continuously saying that "she is not behaving at her age", "she is not fun", "she is too serious" and whatnot, I think I should just treat her like how she want to. The adult way. So that day when she asked me to accompany her to buy a shirt at H&M, I just agreed and followed her, responding to her every opinions on the clothes that she saw, in adult and mature way. The same goes when I was looking for my shoes, and she would go for one shoes to another, giving her opinions based on her sense of fashion. I tried to restrict myself from saying "Hanan ni taste orang tualah!" and appreciate her opinions instead by nodding or responding decently to her. But to be honest, sometimes i just can't help it hahaha. 

But one day I just gone mad when she insisted to buy this RM65 skateboard the other day.  Until today, I regretted to agree with her. I should just play my bossy part and  be the 'everything-no' sister to restrict her from buying it. That day on new year I texted her, asking her to set a resolution: To make effort to play the skateboard as much as you can so that RM65 would not seems like a waste. -_________-

Anyway, Hanan, she is a very clever and bright little girl. I think I should now see her as a lady instead of a girl. Wishing her all the best for her teenage years, and honestly, I kinda worry much about her. She has started to show the rebellious side of her and I just hope that she could rebel appropriately on serious matter, not ridiculous one. But I know that we would all need to face that like it or not. It's just a part of her phase of growing up. We had all been there too right. Phewww! I guess this is just normal for the eldest sister to be in so much worry. My prayers are always with you. insya allah.

Just Do It

Assalamualaikum wbt

This is a very quick one.

Dear beloved Muslims,
Had you come to a point of break down or frustration,
Or you just feel lazy to do your ibadah,
Please wake straight up and JUST DO IT.
Seek forgiveness and ask to keep your iman at its highest position.
Please. I beg you.
Because one missing prayer, one missing quran recitation,
Can make you vulnerable,
And syaitan can invade you JUST RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT.
So please.

Oojengster Shell Out Feast!

Assalamualaikum wbt

Final exam has already ended finally, and so, in order to celebrate this happiness (as if we had never have final examinations before hahaha), we held an Oojengster's Shell Out Feast!

Yeah, Shell Out has been so famous lately because of its uniqueness of having the dining concept on the table, WITHOUT the plates, forks, spoons and other proper dishware for dining. That is just a very cool and casual way of eating out, especially when they serve seafood, where you need to fold your sleeves up, and get all messy to dig out and enjoy the tender juicy meat inside the shells.

However since the news saying the restaurant does not own a Halal certificate went viral, everybody just freaked out and decided to not go there (plus, the expensive price). I do not know who is the person who started the Shell Out at home, but it also went viral afterwards as it save much more cost, and of course Halal guaranteed. Since then, everybody seems to be trying the Shell Out concept at home, doing it for family events and friends. And we.... decided to try it out too! Hence, the Shell Out Feast at our little college room.

We started all by doing the groceries, buying all the ingredients and of course, the seafood needed.

Before the groceries took place, we have had all the items needed listed down, including the recipes! We allocated a RM20 budget per person, so that's a total of RM160 all together. That seems a lot. Since none of us have the experience of buying seafood on our own, we did our survey to search for the standard prices for the seafood that we wanted to buy. Looking at all all the prices, we freaked out! 

RM20-RM30 per kilo of crab? RM25-RM27 per kilo for squid? So how about prawns? And and, we still have clams to buy okay, don't forget! Oh, and chicken tooooo! Is our budget enough? How much can we get for a kilo? And there you go, the googling and blog readings started. So after some readings on some of the blogger experience having Shell Out at home, it looks like the budget that we had seems to be enough. At that time, we just surrendered and hoped that it will be adequate. We had even be ready to cancel out some items just in case the budget went over the limit.  

Once we started the grocery at Giant, we went straight to the seafood dept. I was hesitated to choose the crab at first. I mean, come on, what do I need to check before choosing the PERFECT crab? Is this okay? How about this one? Uncle in front of me must have been laughing inside while watching me choosing the crab. Huh. But in the end, I just thickened my face, matter no more on the criteria and chose them like a PRO! Bhahaha. I took only 4 pcs while my mind whispering "Cukuplah tu. 4 kerat 2 jadilah 8. Sorang separuh. Yang ni entah-entah dah lebih sekilo.". But then after weighing and pricing, "Eh, RM11 only?". So I immediately asked my friend to get more of it. We added 4-5 pcs after that hahaha. Well, amateur seafood buyer. Full of drama. 

Back to the college, we started to unpack all of the things, separating the veggies and the seafood items. Since the budget seemed to be more than enough, we even got to buy some more items that were not in the list such as the dory fish, some surimi (fishball, crabstick etc), wedges, and more veggies. After the tasks have been delegated, works started to begin! Some were cutting the veggies, the paste ingredients, some were trimming and washing the seafood, the chicken, overall, everybody were working together splendidly!

So here is our menu and rough budget for the Shell Out dining:
Chilli Crab and Squid
Butter Prawn and Clams (Lala)
Dory Sweet and Sour
Tom Yam with Surimis and Veggies
Buttered Shittake Mushroom
Fried Chicken
Potato wedges

8-9 pcs Ketam Bunga (Medium)  = RM23
1 Whole Chicken = RM10
2 pkts 400g Frozen Peeled Baby Shrimp (because fresh shrimps are not available) = RM23
Approx 900g of Surimi (Fishball, Crab Stick, Seafood Tofu) = RM19
1 pack of Lala =  RM9-RM10
1 pack of 600g Frozen Dory Cube = RM9
5pcs of Squid XL = RM14

All the balance are used for veggies, spices, sauces, wedges and other miscellaneous ingredients.
A total of RM160 for 8 person (or more actually) and there are still leftovers after eating. 

We started the preparation at about 5.00pm, and officially finished all of the cooking by around 8.00pm. After everybody took their shower, we then laid the 'plastic mat' on the floor, pulled out all of the dishes on it, recited the prayer, and started digging in!

Everybody was having a good time eating, chit chatting but still in disbelief that everything was prepared on our own. We were scared at first having the thought that it might gonna be a disaster because we never prepared these kind of dishes on our own. Besides, seafood is quite sensitive in terms of its preparation, the cleaning, the cooking method and so on and we just don't wanna ruin it. So having the dishes all set in front of us, was just a part of the satisfaction. Alhamdulillah. Creditlah sikit come onnn, we never cooked such expensive food and make it delicious hahaaa! 

It was nice to hear compliments from each other on the dishes that have been prepared. A kind of appreciation you know. We were having such a good time together. The fact that this is the last gathering with complete all 8 of us was quite an emotional feeling although none of us really show it to each other. We don't know when are we going to have the chance to gather this way again. Mache and Syu is leaving for their practical soon. So it will be only all 6 of us left, and the most painful part is, I'm going to be left without a roommate after almost 4 years of being with the same person. It's going to be a very tough and challenging final semester and I can no longer go crazy, gossip or spill out all of the emotions to my roommate when there are things go wrong. I'm sorry, I'm just quite sentimental when it comes to this matter. Okaaayyy let's move on! *wipe tears*

Anyway Alhamdulillahhhhhh the plan went very well. Everybody enjoyed the food, enjoyed the talk, enjoyed the laughter, enjoyed having bloated stomach for eating too much hahaha, enjoyed everything! I am very very very grateful, having to be blessed with this kind of friendship and FRIENDS like them. I know myself very much and I really do not deserve all these kindness around me, all these wonderful people around me. May Allah grant each one of you and myself His blessings, His kindness, and shower us all with His unconditional love. It has finally came to the final semester and may we all graduate with flying colours, and most importantly, may we all in the end be united in the paradise. After all, that's our life goals. Amiin, insya Allah.
