Assalamualaikum wbt
Sejujurnya aku merasa amat berat nak tulis ni, but, here we go.
Throughout my years in UPM, I must say, that I have been very very very blessed to have been eased in terms of adapting myself in the new environment. When I was in foundation, I have roommates that immediately became close and clingy. When I entered degree, to my surprise, I have my own ex-classmate (of foundation year) as my roommate, thus I need not to make so much effort to adapt myself in degree life and to mingle with others. And she is named Fasihah Shamsuddin. We called her 'Mache' because she literally lives in Machang, Kelantan. Hahaha. Ini semua kerja Zia.
Honestly, in this 4 years time (almost), she has actually been the most supportive, attentive, and the best of friend. She is the most genuine person anyone ever known. She is always herself, all the time. Right from her attitude to her attire, it's all very 'Mache'. You get what I mean right? You know you are very blessed and lucky if you have a friend that can be clingy with, be fun with, but at the same time, always reminding you to be good, be kind, to have good thoughts (the one that I'm not good at), to pray and to remain calm from time to time, and this person, is everything about it. Of course, she never is a perfect person. Everyone have flaws. But, the positive vibes that she has, override the negative one, which is very little. I'm not exaggerating. This is exactly who she is.
She may not know this, but, setiap kali aku balik dari kelas, atau balik dari rumah, atau dari mana-manalah, once sampai je bilik, one thing that I'll look for is her slipper or shoes. Yeah, kinda creepy right? Mohon jangan salah faham. I always love when she is around. It's a kind of calmness and a feel of ease that are indescribable. Now that she has left, for good, aku betul-betul tak tahu how am I going to survive the earlier phase of my final semester next month. It will definitely be very emotional and challenging, but insya Allah, I'll get through it, just because, it will be over somehow. Someone reminded me, "Ini, akan berlalu". And it will, insya Allah.
To this person, terima kasih tidak terhingga untuk segala-galanya. Terima kasih sudi jadi peneman masak, peneman beli makanan, peneman berjalan, 'jogging', hahaaa, sentiasa sudi mendengar dengan setia segala luahan dan cerita aku walaupun kadangkala berulang kali topik yang sama, terima kasih selalu datang event luncheon aku untuk support, sentiasa bagi semangat dan ada waktu susah dan senang, sentiasa tegur bila aku dalam kedaan tak betul, sentiasa ajar aku sangka baik, sentiasa tunjuk contoh yang baik dan macam-macamlah. Mohon maaf pada segala salah silap, terkasar bahasa dan tersilap bicara.
Aku akan rindddduuuuu sangat pergi beli makanan sama-sama, makan kat lantai sambil tengok video, gossip pasal the 'hipsters' (kau faham kan?) hahaha, pergi sewa kereta and berjalan tak ingat dunia, explore tempat-tempat yang kau tak pernah pergi. Aku akan rindu balik je dari kelas nak bercerita apa-apa yang jadi pada haritu, atau sampaikan salam dari ehem ehem. Aku akan rindu nak habiskan sayur-sayur dari makanan kau sebab kau tak suka makan sayur. Aku sure kalau aku tengok orang-orang yang berkaitan ni, atau kalau aku duduk lepak-lepak dengan gengfood nanti, aku akan teringat kau sangat. Maigaddd, macamanalah sem depan ni.
Walau apa pun, inilah dia namanya lumrah kehidupan. Sebuah pertemuan akan pasti ada perpisahan, baik dengan jarak ataupun kematian. Wherever you are, I'll always pray for your good, and please take care. Kalau tak masa ini kita berpisah, nanti di penghujung zaman belajar ni pun, kita akan berpisah juga. In the end, we would all have to deviate to take our own paths and to take the new steps for a new life. Circle kita semua akan berbeza eventually. Thank you for everything! Moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kau dunia akhirat. Moga Allah ganjari dengan pahala dan belas kasihNya kerana sentiasa menyantuni seorang sahabat. Moga kita terus bersahabat baik, sampai bila-bila, sampai syurga! Aku sayaaaaaaangggg kau sangat, lillah!
"Kita bertemu, untuk bertemu selamanya"
Sejujurnya aku merasa amat berat nak tulis ni, but, here we go.
Throughout my years in UPM, I must say, that I have been very very very blessed to have been eased in terms of adapting myself in the new environment. When I was in foundation, I have roommates that immediately became close and clingy. When I entered degree, to my surprise, I have my own ex-classmate (of foundation year) as my roommate, thus I need not to make so much effort to adapt myself in degree life and to mingle with others. And she is named Fasihah Shamsuddin. We called her 'Mache' because she literally lives in Machang, Kelantan. Hahaha. Ini semua kerja Zia.
Honestly, in this 4 years time (almost), she has actually been the most supportive, attentive, and the best of friend. She is the most genuine person anyone ever known. She is always herself, all the time. Right from her attitude to her attire, it's all very 'Mache'. You get what I mean right? You know you are very blessed and lucky if you have a friend that can be clingy with, be fun with, but at the same time, always reminding you to be good, be kind, to have good thoughts (the one that I'm not good at), to pray and to remain calm from time to time, and this person, is everything about it. Of course, she never is a perfect person. Everyone have flaws. But, the positive vibes that she has, override the negative one, which is very little. I'm not exaggerating. This is exactly who she is.
She may not know this, but, setiap kali aku balik dari kelas, atau balik dari rumah, atau dari mana-manalah, once sampai je bilik, one thing that I'll look for is her slipper or shoes. Yeah, kinda creepy right? Mohon jangan salah faham. I always love when she is around. It's a kind of calmness and a feel of ease that are indescribable. Now that she has left, for good, aku betul-betul tak tahu how am I going to survive the earlier phase of my final semester next month. It will definitely be very emotional and challenging, but insya Allah, I'll get through it, just because, it will be over somehow. Someone reminded me, "Ini, akan berlalu". And it will, insya Allah.
To this person, terima kasih tidak terhingga untuk segala-galanya. Terima kasih sudi jadi peneman masak, peneman beli makanan, peneman berjalan, 'jogging', hahaaa, sentiasa sudi mendengar dengan setia segala luahan dan cerita aku walaupun kadangkala berulang kali topik yang sama, terima kasih selalu datang event luncheon aku untuk support, sentiasa bagi semangat dan ada waktu susah dan senang, sentiasa tegur bila aku dalam kedaan tak betul, sentiasa ajar aku sangka baik, sentiasa tunjuk contoh yang baik dan macam-macamlah. Mohon maaf pada segala salah silap, terkasar bahasa dan tersilap bicara.
Aku akan rindddduuuuu sangat pergi beli makanan sama-sama, makan kat lantai sambil tengok video, gossip pasal the 'hipsters' (kau faham kan?) hahaha, pergi sewa kereta and berjalan tak ingat dunia, explore tempat-tempat yang kau tak pernah pergi. Aku akan rindu balik je dari kelas nak bercerita apa-apa yang jadi pada haritu, atau sampaikan salam dari ehem ehem. Aku akan rindu nak habiskan sayur-sayur dari makanan kau sebab kau tak suka makan sayur. Aku sure kalau aku tengok orang-orang yang berkaitan ni, atau kalau aku duduk lepak-lepak dengan gengfood nanti, aku akan teringat kau sangat. Maigaddd, macamanalah sem depan ni.
"Kita bertemu, untuk bertemu selamanya"