Hanan All Grown Up

Assalamualaikum wbt

One day, just before the new year came, Ummi posted in family whatsapp group, saying "Ummi kat sekolah hanan ni. Orientasi dia.". Somewhat like this lah. And yes, it's her secondary school orientation. She is entering a whole new world of a teenager, where ups and downs and emotional rages are a part of the teenage life. Whoah, time definitely passes too fast! I still treated her like a kid you know (most of the time). Can't move on yet. 

Being raised among big sisters, she developed the sense of maturity as she grows up. She didn't even fancy toys when she was little. Mobile and computer games were her best companion instead. She reads encyclopedia and scientific comics, and Nat Geo is one of her favourite channel. Oh beware with her speech and your speech too, she is good at manipulating, backing herself up with lots of reasons which is mostly unreasonable. Hahahahah. Her way of thinking and behaving are way ahead than other kids at the same age. It sometimes annoy us to the point where she takes our jokes seriously, and I mean, most of the time, and we would went " Hanan ni tak funlah!". Yeah, she gets that a lot, from us. Haha. 

At one point, I just thought that maybe, just maybe, instead of continuously saying that "she is not behaving at her age", "she is not fun", "she is too serious" and whatnot, I think I should just treat her like how she want to. The adult way. So that day when she asked me to accompany her to buy a shirt at H&M, I just agreed and followed her, responding to her every opinions on the clothes that she saw, in adult and mature way. The same goes when I was looking for my shoes, and she would go for one shoes to another, giving her opinions based on her sense of fashion. I tried to restrict myself from saying "Hanan ni taste orang tualah!" and appreciate her opinions instead by nodding or responding decently to her. But to be honest, sometimes i just can't help it hahaha. 

But one day I just gone mad when she insisted to buy this RM65 skateboard the other day.  Until today, I regretted to agree with her. I should just play my bossy part and  be the 'everything-no' sister to restrict her from buying it. That day on new year I texted her, asking her to set a resolution: To make effort to play the skateboard as much as you can so that RM65 would not seems like a waste. -_________-

Anyway, Hanan, she is a very clever and bright little girl. I think I should now see her as a lady instead of a girl. Wishing her all the best for her teenage years, and honestly, I kinda worry much about her. She has started to show the rebellious side of her and I just hope that she could rebel appropriately on serious matter, not ridiculous one. But I know that we would all need to face that like it or not. It's just a part of her phase of growing up. We had all been there too right. Phewww! I guess this is just normal for the eldest sister to be in so much worry. My prayers are always with you. insya allah.