Definisi Cinta Kita: Rasa "Dijaga" dan "Dekat" DenganNya

Assalamualaikum wbt

Hari ini, dengan berkatNya, dengan izinNya, aku dapat bernafas dengan udara yang dipinjamkan, dan di hari-hari yang aku masih hidup ini, Dia masih beri kesempatan untuk aku buka mata dan bangkit daripada kesilapan yang sebelumnya aku rasa tepat.

Mudah-mudahan hidayah Allah beri ini tidak lagi diambil kesempatan oleh hambaMu yang hina dan menzalimi diri sendiri ini.

Pada cinta yang telah lalu, Tuhan bukakan padaku jalan yang lebih indah.

Di saat aku jatuh kerana kekecewaan dan kebodohan diri, aku meminta dengan bersungguh-sungguh sekali agar ditunjukkan hikmah di sebalik apa yang telah terjadi. Dan Tuhan makbulkan doa aku. Dia benar-benar makbulkan permintaan aku. Dia tunjukkan segala yang tampak jelek dan tidak kena pabila kita definisikan cinta kita.

Rupanya selama ini mata telah dikaburi dan hati telah dibaluti dengan istilah 'cinta kerana Allah'. Walhal hakikat yang sebenarnya, cinta padaNya itu hanyalah bayangan untuk menutupi calar-balar daripada cinta terhadap makhluk ciptaan Tuhan, tapi aku terhanyut dalam lautan harapan dan manisan yang hampir membuat aku lemas.

Aku dan pemuda-pemudi Islam yang lain telah dimanipulasi dengan ayat puitis yang kononnya mengatakan bahawa cinta yang baik dan diredhai itu adalah apabila kita dibawa dekat dengan Tuhan.

Dan bermulalah nasihat-nasihat dan pesanan yang tidak henti daripada orang yang kita cinta supaya bangun solat tahajud, supaya tidak lupa berpuasa, jaga solat, tutup aurat, jaga ikhtilat dan sebagainya. Kita sangka kita sudah "dekat" dengan Tuhan. Kita sangka kita "dijaga". Sedangkan syaitan sedang seronok bermain dengan kita. Engkau, engkau dan engkau, hati-hati! Ini perangkap yang syaitan pasang supaya kita terjerat dan akhirnya membawa kepada kelalaian.

Andai engkau tergolong dalam orang yang telah diberikan jalan untuk keluar dari landasan yang kau rasa betul sedangkan ia salah, maka jangan disiakan, walau perlu berhadapan dengan kekecewaan. Bersyukurlah atas rahmat dan kasihNya. Itu baru benar dijaga.

Aku, bersyukur yang tidak terhingga akan peluang yang telah diberikan ini. Ia bukan kekecewaan. Ia adalah kegembiraan. Ia adalah rahmat dan pertolongan padaNya kerana doa yang saban hari kita pinta.Aku ingin sekali membuka mata semua akan kebenaran yang selama ini dipadam. Aku harap aku punya kekuatan untuk sampaikan ini kepada mereka yang aku ingin sama-sama masuk ke syurga.

Tidak lupa juga,
Terima kasih buat yang jauh di sana.
Ini kesedaran yang amat bermakna sekali.
Tuhan berikan petunjuk melalui ujian kecil ini.
Moga Tuhan redha.

A Lady's Demand

Assalamualaikum wbt

Now I have this very very very bad habit of browsing pages or websites that sell clothes. Maxi dresses, blouses, tunics, shawls, scarfs, palazzo, skirts, pants, bags and many more, just name it! Be it of pastel colour, or with printed flowers on it, or just a plain blouse with elegant patterns at the bottom of it, AND whether it is of chiffon material, English cotton, or Japan koshibo, or polyblended materials, I just can't take my eyes off them!

And today, once again, as I was browsing on Poplook items, my eyes were stunned on this blouse. I had never adore a thing that I can cry when I know I cannot have it. I know it sounds too much. I know, I know. T.T

Gaaaahhhhh! Had been wanting the clothes from Poplook sooooo long ago but I just don't think it is a necessity.

Everytime I  went on looking at the clothes one by one, and have some of it that caught my eyes, I will have this loud voice that screams from within as if it is forcing me and urging me to buy it. But the softer voice within is louder than the scream. The one that will comfort me to stay calm, be wise, and think twice. Haha.

And that softer voice always win. Always.

Thank God.

Being a lady, in 20's, has been challenging. The demand. The strong will of materialism.

You will always have that dilemma, and demands for yourself, though you know your limit and you know sometimes, you can't afford it. It is a kind that is worse than a child's demand. The worst of all.

In the end, what I always do, is to accept the victory of that soft voice within me. As a student still, and a person who come from just an ordinary family, I know my limits. I know what I can afford and what I can't. I know what priority should be given first and what should be put at the end of the list.

'Ukur baju di badan sendiri'
A Malay proverb that tell us to recognize and be realistic on our own capability of whatever aspects before you decide on pursuing or doing anything. Strength, finance, health or knowledge.

The key is to be grateful, and your strong desire within you will fade slowly.
Just, stay calm.
And be proud of simplicity.

Just Live With It

Assalamualaikum wbt

Umpama Berbasikal

Assalamualaikum wbt

Hidup ini beginilah.
Umpama berbasikal.
Bila mahu naik bukit, kaki akan terasa sakit yang teramat.
Berketar lutut.
Tapi sekali kau tiba di atas, kau rasa lega.
Lega walaupun penat.
Macamtulah peritnya bila kau mahu capai kejayaan di puncak. 
Dan kalau kau tidak jaga sebaiknya,
Tidak bernasib baik,
Kau akan jatuh dalam sekelip mata.
Seperti lajunya kau pabila turun bukit.

Need You Now

Assalamualaikum wbt

It's 2.58am, and I'm staying up for revision, with Old Town hazelnut white coffee accompanying me, together with the song by Lady Antebellum.


Ibrah Pagi Hari

Assalamualaikum wbt

Sebelum ini, sudah berkali tanya pada ayah aku, yang aku ingin bawa basikal untuk aku pakai di kolej, tapi Abi akan tetap dengan jawapannya: NO! Katanya bahaya.

Tempoh hari sewaktu cuti, aku bertanya lagi dengan nada bersahaja: "Abi, nini bawak basikal tu boleh? Bukannya ada orang pakai pun.". And he immediately said: "YES!" Hohoho, apa lagi. Seronoklaaa!

Abi siap tanya lagi nak bawa yang mana. Kemudian Abi bawa ke kedai untuk baiki basikal tu, tambahkan bakul di hadapan, katanya untuk aku senang letak buku dan beg, lepas tu ditukarkan pula tayarnya sebab dah pecah, dan kemudian ditukarkan juga tempat duduk basikal, sebab katanya nanti biar tak sakit waktu duduk. Waaaaaa, terharunya!

Seminggu ni, aku bawa basikal ke kuliah pada hari-hari yang aku rasa tak jauh sangat nak mengayuh. Tapi, hakikatnya, dekat pun dah penat. Ugh. And... today, aku keluar berbasikal dengan roommate di Bukit Ekspo. Best way to fill the weekend morning ey?

Penat sangat, serius! Tapi rasa puas sebab dapat keluarkan peluh awal-awal pagi, rather than terbaring atas katil keluarkan air liur basi, hohoho. Dan rasa puas sebab dapat curi sedikit masa untuk luangkan masa dengan rakan setelah lama menyibukkan diri dengan tanggungjawab diberi. Kadang kita terlupa, rakan kita tu juga amanah kita. Heee. 

Dan tempat persinggahan wajib di UPM ni:

Aku tak pernah ada idea langsung nak meneka apa nama tempat ni dan apa tujuannya dibina dan apa yang jadi padanya sampai terbengkalai begini sahaja. Nak mudah, kami panggil ni 'kawah' je. Ahaha.

And the best part of the morning is that you could enjoy the nature which is a definite source of serenity and positivity. Daripada alam, kita belajar nilai-nilai yang kita tak dapat dalam pembelajaran kelas. Kita belajar untuk kaitkan alam dengan aktiviti harian kita untuk dijadikan analogi. Kita belajar utnuk menghayati dan menghargai ciptaan Ilahi. Kita belajar untuk sedari yang alam ini penuh warna-warni, punya sifat tersendiri, namun masih berupaya untuk menunjukkan satu bentuk kesatuan yang aku kira sudah susah untuk kita dapati pada masa kini.

Alhamdulillah untuk segala nikmat ini.

Nota: Singgah beli nasi lemak dan roti canai untuk mengisi perut yang lapar sewaktu pulang ke kolej. Ohoi, regain the fats!

Al-Asr: Between Profit and Loss

Assalamualaikum wbt

"There is an irony in how we recite Surah Al-Asr when we want to rush through prayer when it is a Surah that warns us that we are running out of time."

Yes, this is what I stumbled upon while I was browsing through the Tumblr, and it indeed, INDEED, had opened up my eyes, my mind and my heart. I thought that this is the most accurate statement ever. It was like a slap to me when I was reading this. How coincident is that with what we are doing every time we pray?

The phrase I found above teach me this:

Do not rush on your prayer. No matter how late you are to go to somewhere or how late you are to do something, if possible, try to not rush on your prayer. Perform your solat in a way that you could feel calm from every movement in it, that you could understand the message that wanted to be conveyed to you through the verses that you recited. Solat is meant for you to rest. Solat is meant for you to be relaxed. Solat is meant for you to regain your energy. It is a gift given by Allah swt for us to communicate with Him no matter hard or easy. It has been stated in the Quran, says that only through prayer we find solace and guidance/help. So just take your time and feel the calmness through it.

"By time. Indeed, mankind is in loss. Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience" [Surah Al-Asr, Ayat 1-3]

And through the verses in Surah Al-Asr, it remind us on how important the time is. As the saying goes, time is gold. For a normal person, gold is a very valuable thing one can keep and invest on. When time is equaled to gold, it is a symbolic of how much we must value the time that we have as much as we value the gold, for we do not know, and will never know what we are going to face the next second of our life. 

Value your time.
Avoid procrastinating.
And you will see your ibadah running smoothly.
Without the rush.

That's the significance between time and solat.
The beauty of what Allah has arranged.

OLV's New Look

Assalamualaikum wbt

I am loving the new look of my tumblr, weee ~~~ 

Little Passion In The Morning

Assalamualaikum wbt

This is to start the morning today, heyyy! =D

Passion fruit jam, in a mini jar.

Reaching The Peak

Assalamualaikum wbt

Last night,was the peak of what had happened.I broke down. I almost burst out but I manage to hold it. I have been strong enough to get over it and to not let my tears fall, but I realise, to forget is another thing.
Hiding somewhere in that girl is a soul defined by pain. I don’t know what sort of hurt left her fragile, and she would argue that she’s strong as brick. But beneath her wall of blister is uneven ground.
I will not go back anymore.
Just go.


Desaturasi Merah Jambu

Assalamualaikum wbt

Now here goes to the mind-opener. 

To the ladies out there, here is a book for you to read. 
Of women, nowadays.


Assalamualaikum wbt

Tempoh hari, sewaktu pulang, Abi seperti biasa berkongsi ceritanya dan pandangannya mengenai beberapa isu, dan di situ, terselit satu peringatan yang aku kira harus dikongsi bersama, buat muhasabah diri aku dan semua.

"Fitrah manusia ini baik. Selagi kita tak jumpa apa-apa bukti yang mengatakan dia tidak baik atau punya niat yang jahat, kita WAJIB mengandaikan bahawa apa jua dilakukannya itu adalah dengan niat yang baik"

Bersangka baik. Itu ringkasnya pesan yang ingin Abi sampaikan. Dalam apa jua kedaan pun, bersangka baiklah kerana kita sememangnya tidak mengetahui apa yang berselindung di dalam hati seseorang melainkan diberi petunjuk daripada Allah untuk melihat kebenaran (seandainya seseorang benar-benar tidak berniat baik).

Namun, jangan jadi lurus dan naif dengan menyangka semuanya baik-baik sahaja walaupun bukti telah ditampakkan dengan mata. Adakala, prasangka buruk itu untuk waspada. Kita, yang lemah ini, harus tenang dan bijak dalam menilai sesuatu mahupun seseorang.

Plans will Always Be Plans

Assalamualaikum wbt

I was going through the stacks of books and papers on my bookshelf yesterday when I suddenly found this piece of paper, with my plans for the future written on it. 

Yeah. A plan that I have made in the early 2013 if I'm not mistaken. 
I look back at who I am now, and what am I doing. 
Plans will always be plans.

Unless I work on it a little bit more to make it come true. 

Persepsi: Nilai Duit Syiling

Assalamualaikum wbt

Duit syiling.
Budak kecil ingat duit syiling tak bernilai. Bila dibilang sama-sama jumlahnya, dan kata padanya yang ia boleh ditukar, barulah dia rasa "Banyaknya!".


Sehingga kita dewasa pun tak bisa dibuang dari dalam diri.
Tak percaya?
Ce tanya, berapa ramai antara kita yang tak mahu terima duit 5 sen bila dihulurkan? Sebolehnya mahu kita tukar kepada satu 10 sen, berbanding dua 5 sen. Sedangkan, ia tetap duit. Tetap ada nilai. Tetap sah dalam urusan jual beli.

Lainlah mesin gedegang. =)

Attached and Loose

Assalamualaikum wbt

"Let's take the new path and move on."

I may have exaggerate myself on this matter a little too much. But if anyone of you could wear my shoes and feels what I feel, you will understand and stop judging. Moving on is not an easy thing you see. Because in the days that you had gone through before, you had been too attached to the things that had left you. Now that it has already gone, there is a so-called empty space left besides you. 

When I was writing this down, there is one word that has distracted me.

Yes, it was because I've been too attached to this worldly thingy, that it has made the process of moving on even harder. I've been putting up hopes together with fear inside, and so when it failed me, now, I am in a very big disappointment and frustration. Fear has finally conquer it all. And because I was so naive, thinking that by giving people second chance (or third chance or fourth chance) could change a situation and could change a person. I was wrong. That formula, was not meant for all.

I am trying my best to be positive and reflect myself on any mistakes that I've made or any parts of me that I have been lacking. Perfection is impossible. But improvement and correction need to be made at all time. I am not going to blame anyone for what had happened, because, who am I to predict that this is to happen? and who am I to judge on the decision that other people have made? and who am I to question why do I need to go through this all over again?

A transition to grow up. Another way of saying 'learn from mistakes'.
As cliche as it sounds, it is still, true and valid. We earn the best from the worst.

When I thought about this matter again, I was actually brought back to the right path through this painful incident. Allah has showed me the way before, but I took it for granted and ignored the light that had been given. I thought that I was right and everything was going to be fine, but now He tested me with this to show me that I was WRONG all this while.

My instinct is right. Allah is actually hearing my prayers and He is giving His protection by guiding me and everybody that involves in it to a straighter and better pathway. Of course!

Take a deep breath.

'You must remember in life sometimes little things won't go right' - Love's Shadow
 May Allah guide and ease all of us to be a better person.  

Being Grateful, With Choices

Assalamualaikum wbt
When you have the option,
Of which is the best to be chosen,
Be grateful.
Because some people don't even have the chance to make any choices.

They just accept of what is given.