When Blue Bird Stopped Tweeting

Assalamualaikum wbt

" Nini, lama dah tak nampak kau kat twitter"

" Dah lama dah delete"

" Eh, kenapa?"

" Tak bolehlaaaa. Bahaya"

It was quite a long time since I've deleted my twitter account. And then people kept asking me why. I was like "What's the big deal?"

" Ala sayang Nini dah delete twitter, kalau tak, dah boleh join conversation"


People. Stop it.

I deleted my account because it had caused me too much procrastination. Instead of doing my piles of works on time, I delayed them and kept saying to myself that I still have the time! Until the moment I realized that I've spent HOURS tweeting and scrolling the timeline, then only I said to myself "Nini, STOP TWEETING! Go and get your work done. Dah tak banyak masa dah nih!" kat rumah ke, kat kolej ke, sama je. WORST bila aku start 'berburung-biru' dalam lecture hall. Langsung tak boleh fokus dah. Maka 1-2 jam berlalu dengan sia-sia.

And and and... another thing was, I tend to express almost everything on the twitter. Why? because I can tweet as much as I want without people bothering, and I know people will not be ought to comment on the statements made. They scrolled, saw my tweet, read it, and ignored it later. Paling-paling pun akan ada question mark dalam kepala mereka yang membacanya, macam " Why eh?".

"Tapi kalau delete twitter, kau boleh je cenderung luah kat Facebook banyak mana pun kau nak"

Alah, tipulah. Orang akan naik annoyed punya. Kalau dah ada depan depan, dah lama dah kena baling kasut. At least kat Facebook aku boleh lagi lah nak control. Nanti kang bila aku buat mesti ada yang komen " This is not twitter".


And and and... one last thing. Aku akan cenderung untuk salah faham dan fikir yang bukan-bukan bilamana aku nampak statement-statement yang mencurigakan. Statements (or tweets I supposed) that will trigger a little spark in my heart, straight to my mind, and cause me to start thinking of why, why and why. Overthinking will take over and ruins you. It ruined me. Hmmm hmmm hmmm.

Somehow, I turned them into my pieces of 'literature artworks' just to comfort myself that I've not yet gone too far. I don't always express what I feel directly. It will be in a language that only certain people could really understand. Kalau tidak memahami pun, they will understand them in their own pattern of interpretation. Lain orang, lain situasinya kan.

With Facebook, blog and Tumblr accounts, I thought, that's enough. Apa gunanya kau jadi seorang hamba kepada Tuhan jika bukan pada Dia kau luahkan segalanya?

I don't banned all these stuffs because I have them too. Lagipun, satu je pun akaun sosial yang aku delete. It's a good channel for you to express thoughts or whatever lies beneath your heart when you're dying to tell somebody about something but you don't want to because you are so 'shy-shy cat'. It's just that you need to know how to limit yourself and be careful with what you're posting because not all people will interpret and understand them in your way. They could misjudge the whole thing and tak pasal-pasal ada yang bermasam muka tanpa sebab yang munasabah.

Some people can control themselves very well.
I can't.

Fact: Ehem, walau bagaimanapun, kerja stalking Tikah dan Aiman Paku aku tetap jalankan dengan ketiadaan akaun burung biru kerana di stu, ada sesuatu yang lebih mudah untuk aku selami dan fahami tanpa mereka perlu memberitahu aku. They know about this. Haha