Of Marriage Again: It Will Happen At The Right Time

Assalamualaikum wbt

Age: 21
Status: Just Married

Another her,
Age: 22
Status: Married, and a son

Just one more her, 
Age: 22
Status: Married, and a daughter

And I, 
Age: 22
Status: Single

And I was like.. "I'm just 22 by the way" *waving*

Phewww! Looking at all of the wedding invitations, and so far, JUST SO FAR, there are 10 of them, and I probably has miscounted some invitations, so it could be more than 10. Well, I may need not the travel list. If I attended all of these, I could be considered traveling almost half of this country, excluding the Borneo.

So what most newly weds do, or even if they do not, the guests will do? Posting wedding pictures in social media. The pre-wedding and the post-wedding so on so forth will be flocking the news feed, and I will be enjoying looking at those pictures, on one condition: of moderate amount please!

Scrolling through the news feed, I could see the comments made by some of their friends, or relatives, or long-lost friends who happened to be the silent reader all this while, and just start commenting on the picture because she/he could not believe that their also-long-lost-friends have got married, at such young age! Most will congratulate, and wish for their happiness, and some... "Cepatnya kahwin awak. Kita ntah bilalah lagi. Hmmm", or "Bestnya dah kahwin!".

*krik krik krik*

Yeah, the so-called insecurities of not-yet-married, not-yet-get-a-job, not-yet-graduate bla bla bla will always fall on this age of us, or for as long as you had not reach any one of those 'goals'. The worries on what the future beholds for all of us will never be an end. It would always be the scariest thing because of its uncertainty.

And I can only geleng kepala and giggle while reading those kinds of comments.

Oh dear, I do not want to say much. But I will just give you one simple advice: be patient. Fasobrun Jameel. Patience is beauty and patience is the best way of all. Allah has even promised, that there are wonderful things will be granted to those whom with patience.

Hold on dear. Everything will happen at the right time. And your time will come, soon insya Allah.

I've get used to these now. And I'm still cool with it. Hiks.