First Date Kami

Assalamualaikum wbt

Assignment last dihantar direct ke bilik pensyarah sekitar jam 10 pagi tadi. Fuh3! Alhamdulillah, akhirnya tibalah hari yang dinanti-nantikan.  Semua dah berakhir. 14 minggu sudah ditempuh. Semester paling menggila sepanjang menuntut ilmu di sini kerana tugasan yang bertimbun-timbun ditambah dengan procrastination yang menjadi-jadi di saat akhir. Sekarang tinggal tunggu masa je untuk hadap pertempuran terbesar.

Hari ini, plan yang dibuat 2 minggu lalu dengan Fai alhamdulillah menjadi. This partner in 'crime'. Dua tahun pergi makan sama, belajar sama, gurau sama, tapi tak pernah sekalipun ada peluang keluar berdua suka-suka. Nah! Ambik kau harini pulun berjalan, semua kedai nak dijenguk, macam kaki tu dah takkan jejak kat Mines lagi lepasni.

Terasa nikmatnya harini dapat luang masa dengan kawan sebab rasa lega semuanya dah selesai. Tak perlu nak rushing siapkan tugasan. Tak perlu risau dalam kepala ada kerja yang tak siap. Duduk, makan, minum kopi, borak hal itu ini, that's a great pleasure!

Well actually we both had been listing out our food list that we had not yet tried out. Aku kira list tu dah boleh jadi khazanah paling berharga sebab sudah terlalu lama ia disimpan, tak pernah nak terlaksana. Kemudian tibalah suatu masa bila aku putuskan untuk berikan sedikit manipulasi terhadap senarai yang dibuat. Instead of listing out perkara yang belum, aku suggest listkan perkara yang sudah. With this way, tak adalah rasa tidak sempurna bila list belum kena cross out. Surprisingly, you'll be grateful instead for the meals that you have had.

Maka hari ini, Allah murahkan rezeki. Planning yang asal tak terlaksana, tapi tengok-tengok akhirnya dapat merasa hidangan dari 2 tempat makan. Untuk hari ini, duit sudah disimpan siap-siap sebaik diajak dengan kata 'Hari Jumaat last tu nanti kita keluar nak?'. Maka bolehlah menikmati hidangan yang sedikit luar biasa harganya dan rupanya dan juga rasanya berbanding hari-hari biasa yang dilalui di Nabila Cafe. hahaha.

 Oh lupa. Kempunan aku pada secawan kopi penuh berbuih juga dapat dipenuhi akhirnya.

Sweet Chat's Cappuccino and Bread Story's Double Impact Bread
Seperti biasa, gambar 'tiada' muka. Macam mahu kata 'because pictures that show faces are too mainstream'. Ehehehe.

Di penghujung perjalanan hari ini, hujan lebat kami redahi, dengan payung sekaki, dan perasaan yang senang hati. Ini aku kira penutup bagi perjuangan semester ini. Moga lebih kental untuk terus berjuang lagi. Alhamdulillah untuk hari ini. =)


Get Back to Sketch

Assalamualaikum wbt

New sketch book.

Now lets' get back to work!

Home, by Marie Digby

Assalamualaikum wbt

The mist is rising slowly from the shore
Hills are singing me softly songs before is known

In my heart I knew I was home
‘Cause I had dreamed this all long ago

I was home
I was home

Faces passing, kids laughing in the streets
Rows winding, birds flying high between the trees

In my heart I knew I was home
‘Cause I had dreamed this all long ago

I was home
I was home

I walked past cliffs where the youth would go
Filled with wide I wondered I’m not alone

I was home
I am home
I am home

7 weeks and has not yet gone back to my home sweet home.
I need to go home now! =(

MindRant 6

Masih aku ingat, suatu ketika,
Zaman persekolahan yang naif,
Aku dan rakan-rakan seperjuangan pernah dilabel 'bodoh sombong'.


Mereka hanya nampak.
Mereka tidak pernah bertanya.
Mereka tak tahu 'struggle' kami.
Yang mereka tahu hanya menuding jari,
Lalu persalahkan kami,
Lantas digelarlah kami 'bodoh sombong'.

Dunia ni, macam-macam orang.
Mahu diberitahu segala di sini, tapi tentu ada yang akan perhati.
Melalui kuasa, perwatakan manusia kan tampak jelas nyata.

Internet Addict

Assalamualaikum wbt

Aku boleh hadap facebook, blog, tumblr, flickr, stumbleupon dan pinterest sehari suntuk.
Mau tambah lagi twitter??!
Kerja gila.
Aku boleh mati depan laptop.

The Hopeless Romantic

Assalamualaikum wbt

Oh. Am I?

Menyusun Langkah di Jalan Dakwah

Assalamualaikum wbt

"Selagi engkau menulis, tiada siapa yang dapat menghukummu atas pendapat yang engkau berikan. Tiada siapa yang dapat menyekat engkau daripada menyampaikan pendirianmu. Sesungguhnya Allah adalah Tuhan yang menyampaikan, hingga seruan Ibrahim di lembah gersang yang kosong dan kontang, masih memanggil manusia datang, kerana yang menyampaikannya adalah Dia. Satu-satunya penyebab kebenaran tidak bertebaran ialah apabila yang menemuinya, tidak menemukan orang lain dengan kebenaran itu. Diam membisu, tunduk kepada tekanan yang cuba mendiamkanmu, justeru jangan kaubiar mereka menyekat perjanjian engkau dalam intima' dan wala' dengan Tuhanmu" 

Dipetik daripada kata-kata Ust Hasrizal Jamil di lamannya. 

Aku sedang mengumpul kekuatan dan ilham untuk mengorak langkah lebih jauh dalam bidang penulisan. Menulis sesuatu yang lebih ilmiah dan yang lebih lantang dalam menyampaikan pesan. Kerana aku yakin ini medan dakwah aku. Aku harus berani! Semoga ini bukan angan-angan semata. Semoga ini bukan kata-kata kosong. Semoga dipermudahkan. Insya Allah.

Antara Aksara dan Warna

Assalamualaikum wbt

Sekian lama melakar dengan aksara,
Hari ini ku kembali melakar dengan warna.

The best thing about art is that it does not need to be real.
You can sketch, draw and paint, with all your heart,
Without even bother for it to be flawless.

Cik Adik, Senyum Sikit!

Assalamualaikum wbt

Hari ini aku bahagia yang teramat bahagia.
Aku tidak tahu mengapa.
Mungkin kerana nikmat kehadiran rakan yang Allah pinjamkan buat seketika.
Juga kerana nikmat kebahagiaan orang lain yang kita juga dapat rasa.
Betapa sebenarnya, orang di sekeliling merindui senyum tulus dari kita.
Betapa sebenarnya, senyum dan gelak tawa kita bisa buat mereka rasa lega dan bahagia.
Dan benarlah, senyum itu sedekah.
Sedekah itu, apabila kita membuat orang rasa senang dan tenang.
Itu nilai sedekah sebenar.

Alhamdulillah =)

All About Love

Assalamualaikum wbt

Sacred. Pure. That is love.
It doesn't kill anybody. It doesn't.

It's human who has been polluting it,
With betrayals, ignorance and dishonesty.
It's human who has been corrupting it,
With denials, hurtful words and selfishness.

Love is a commitment and a constant battle.
Human should fight for it,
Not lusting it.

Do not blame the love.
Blame the human.
The imperfect human.
Who is full of flaws.

Come back to the ultimate creator of love,
Allah subhanahu wa taala.
And you will find fair and justice,
Blessings and true love.

Just Woke Up

Assalamualaikum wbt

Every one seems to have let it go,
And take on the very big step that they can in order to be better.
While I was still here, waiting.
Fear to step ahead.
Until someone slapped me,
With wise words of thoughts,
And wake me up to move further ahead.

I hope I am not late to catch up.

Mind Rant 5

Assalamualaikum wbt

Bagaimana aku bisa kentalkan hati,
Pada rindu yang kian menebal.

"Sandarkan pada Allah nini. Pada Allah"

A Blessed Day

Assalamualaikum wbt


I finished up my English assignment and have printed it also.

I walked to the bank and enjoy the morning sunshine.

I went to the bank and manage to get my financial thingy settled.

English class is cancelled as I was on the way to it.

I gave salam to one of the old staffs working in the college as I was on my way to the class and he replied back with a very pleasant smile that his happiness is obviously shown through it. To see him smile is the best thing that happened today.

French test went quite well despite of the confusing terms.

The joy of eating Mexican bun with a mug of Hazelnut White Coffee that I made. 

Can I cry right now??
Because I felt that Allah had given me so much blessings today and eased my tasks in a very beautiful way although I've sinned and forgotten Him at most of the time.

Thank you Ya Allah! Alhamdulillah =)

Travel List

Assalamualaikum wbt

I believe everyone has a dream. Oh I mean dreamssssss! Yeah, lots of it kan? To have this and that, to achieve this, and to accomplish that, to travel here, to travel there, and anywhere!

I have them too.

Ceh, ayat intro cliche sungguh! hohoho

Anyway, these are mine. The travel list.

The ultimate one is to go for Umrah and travel to Istanbul after performing it! 2 in 1. Yeah! But I don't want to go there to just solely for vacation. I want to go there and learn about the story behind each of the beautiful structures in Istanbul and each of the steps that I will be leaving there. I want to learn its history, of the beautiful Haghia Sofea, of the noble Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh, of the wicked and violent Kamal Atarturk, and of all! I was waken up by a statement after reading the book about the late Ahmad Ammar. He said that people went there, and came back with lots of beautiful pictures, but not the knowledge of the place, and it is such a waste. 

Oh I almost forgot, Dublin has just been added into the list just because I was so fascinated with the beautiful pictures of it in one of the photography blog. Hehee

Another one that I have been soooo eager to travel to is to the north. North of my own country, Malaysia, and to be more specific: Penang, Kedah and Perlis. I had imagined myself traveling with close friends (and alone) to these 3 states, spending about 1-2 weeks time, tasting the food over there, trying some new activities, get out of my own comfort zone, photographing lots and lots of beautiful pictures of our colourful society, our historical buildings, and our natural landscapes. Macam best kan?

When I told this plan to Fai, she said that traveling to Kedah is not worth it. Oh, by the way, Fai is living in Kedah. Since she was a kid. And that is probably the reasons on why she said that. She said nothing is there to offer, except for Langkawi. I told her about my plans so many time, and she replied the same thing so many time. hahaha. But deep down in my heart, I know there is something exciting that it can offer me. The best ever! I have this very strong feeling about this. I just do not know why. Let's just wait shall we?

"Entah-entah jumpa jodoh kat sana, tu yang excited sangat tu"


The Love Conversation

Assalamaualaikum wbt

Express it. Do not hide. Ask when you are curious.

"Salam Kak Millah a.k.a. Kak Dayang. Akak free tak malam ni?"
"Wassalam. Haha. Kenapa Nini?"
"Mau mintak teman. Tergoda dengan roti bom dengan aiskrim"
"Ops! Jom! Pukul berapa?"

And there you go, a date is set! Ohohoho. Unfortunately, roti bom is closed, so I head on another stall to buy Keutiaw Ayam Sup. Perrgghh! Kaw kaw punya! Hot, and spicy, with pieces of roasted chicken, and lots of veggies! And and and, to add in some more joy, there is a cup of ice cream with 2 scoops of choc mint flavour, and 1 scoop of chocolate flavour. Ahhhhh, heaven!

I went to meet K. Dayang with purpose. To share my stories, some thoughts, exchange opinions, and to ask some questions that have been wandering in my mind. By the way, K. Dayang is my usrahmate and have known her close enough before she invited me to join her usrah group. That is why I feel comfortable to ask her and share stories with her. Hee.

Of the past, I must be honest and say that I still cannot forget it. However, I am very grateful thinking that though the past has hurt me so much, I still has the opportunity to have my eyes being opened to the truth. So after realizing the fault that I'd been doing all this while, there is one question that keep playing in my mind.

" Cinta kerana Allah "
(To love for God sake, Lillahitaala)  

Oh! Before that. Not to forget! A large cup of Peach Milk Shake accompanied me together. Thank God it is made of evaporated milk, or else I'll be wasting my RM3. Pheww!

So the heart-to-heart conversation started. I asked Kak Dayang what does it actually mean, to love someone for Allah's sake? Does it really prohibit the male from loving the female? How about our classmates, or old schoolmates, or close friends who have been with us through thick and thin? Can we call that as loving for Allah's sake? Even with the opposite gender?

And Kak Dayang answered (somewhat like this)...

To love a person for Allah's sake is to do dakwah and to fight for the religion of Islam together with the love one. Can people who are in love, without any clear and fine preparation of getting married, be together to spread about Islam to others? Can you convince yourself that you can control your feelings for doing it because of Allah, and not because he/she is together with you?

People who have been astray, and were given the light to come back to the right way, will see this clearly that it is uncontrollable.  The feeling is uncontrollable. For you soon will realize that you are actually doing it for human's sake. HOWEVER, no one has the right to question the real intention inside a person's heart. Only ALLAH Knows. If it is truly wrong, may Allah show that person the right way.

Loving for the sake of Allah is to build the ukhuwah together to gain His blessings. As for friends, love means to help each other to gain knowledge about Islam, to correct what is wrong, to support the changes towards a better person, a better muslim or muslimah, to do charity in order to help the Muslims who are in need and so on. As for husband and wife, love means to mend two families together, and work on the steps of spreading the dakwah for both of the family members. Perhaps by implementing the religious practice and make it as a routine. It also means to develop a family that will raise up another mujahid/mujahidah in order to help Islam to be stronger and will later carry on the Islamic practice and spread it to others too.

Beautiful isn't it? Struggling for His blessings together with your love one. In a permitted relationship. A blessed one. A peaceful one as you will not feel guilty, because you know that it is on the right track. Insya Allah.

It was a very meaningful conversation with Kak Dayang. A very good advice from her. I appreciate it very much. Oh, and thank you too Kak Dayang for the oats bar.


When I: Happy, Mad & Sad

Assalamualaikum wbt

When I am sad,
I'll be quiet.
I'll sleep a lot.
I'll write a lot.

When I'm mad,
I'll chew the chocolates a mouth full.
I'll tend to throw things away.
My mirror has been broken.
My diary's cover has been ripped.   

When I'm happy,
I talk.
A lot.
So when you need to bear with me talking so much,
It means I am happy. 
And I will enjoy chocolates by letting it melt bit by bits in my mouth.

Mind Rant 4

Assalamualaikum wbt

Untuk minggu ini, dan minggu-minggu mendatang,
Aku mohon dipermudahkan untukku akan segala perkara yang aku sedang buntu.
Kawal ego, jangan biar tercabar.
Kawal marah, jangan biar terbakar.

Sabar, sabar dan sabar.
Please nini, please.