Assalamualaikum wbt
"Alhamdulillah, tamat sudah event terakhir, bermakna tamatlah sudah segala amali in the kitchen. No more shouts of "MAIN COURSE 10! DESSERT 6!" And "KITCHEN CLOSE!". No more WAR in the kitchen, especially the main course dept. No more argument of which dish to which table when it comes to serving time. No more. Or at least, no more with them, beloved coursemates 😥. Thank you to all that have been with us throughout the 4 years time (almost), hehe. The lecturers, the staffs, Kak Zani, Abg Hadi, Kak Dila, Kak Ira, Kak Ainol, Pn Mala, Chef Reza and others. No worry, we'll meet again insya Allah! Towards a wonderful final year, yeay!"
"Alhamdulillah, tamat sudah event terakhir, bermakna tamatlah sudah segala amali in the kitchen. No more shouts of "MAIN COURSE 10! DESSERT 6!" And "KITCHEN CLOSE!". No more WAR in the kitchen, especially the main course dept. No more argument of which dish to which table when it comes to serving time. No more. Or at least, no more with them, beloved coursemates 😥. Thank you to all that have been with us throughout the 4 years time (almost), hehe. The lecturers, the staffs, Kak Zani, Abg Hadi, Kak Dila, Kak Ira, Kak Ainol, Pn Mala, Chef Reza and others. No worry, we'll meet again insya Allah! Towards a wonderful final year, yeay!"
I posted this in my social media and as I was writing this, a feeling of sadness and happiness are all mixed. I guess the happy part of of it was the fact that we do not need to attend anymore super exhausting kitchen classes and go all crazy to manage events, and the sad part is when we realised, that this is the last day for us to have that feeling of accomplishment after an event is finished. We gonna miss all the craziness and stress and team work, and of course, the best part ---- finishing up the leftover!
Alhamdulillah it is finally over. Alhamdulillah for all the great memories. Just can't believe that we've managed to go through all of these. looking forward for the last semester!