Worth The Pay?

Assalamualaikum wbt

Duduk termenung aku fikirkan,
Sudahkah sedia?

Tak perlu dikata.
Tak perlu juga beriya,
Nanti tambah kecewa.

Apa lagi yang dirunsingkan?

Bila ku baca dan dengar,
Pelbagai kisah versi berbeza,
Buat ku fikir,
Ada susah ada senangnya,
Ada yang mudah di awal,
Ada yang mudah di akhir,
Tapi susah itu pasti kan ada.

Jadi bolehkah aku?

Yang pasti,
Something that is worth it, must have a price to be paid.

Kita Semua Bersaudara

Assalamualaikum wbt

Sewaktu cuba mendapatkan penajaan daripada sebuah kedai buku di Bangi,

Pekerja: Maaf, saya tak boleh buat apa-apa. Tapi saya boleh bagi nombor pemilik kedai ni untuk kamu bincang bersama nanti.

Diserahkannya nombor telefon dan nama pemiliknya yang bernama Siti.

Asiff: Terima kasih. Bagaimana kami patut gelar beliau? Cik atau Puan?

Pekerja: Panggil sahaja 'sister'. Kami di sini memanggil sesama kami dengan 'sister' dan 'brother'. Kita semua saudara dalam Islam. Panggil sahaja 'sister'.

Masya Allah, aku sangat terharu dan tersentuh dengan kata-kata pekerja tu. Terasa kita disambut baik dan dialu-alukan sangat apabila diucap begitu. Dia mengiktiraf kita sebagai saudaranya atas nama agama. Dan inilah sebaiknya akhlak Muslim yang patut ditonjol pada semua, yang patut diamalkan dan disemai dalam diri setiap yang bergelar Muslim.

Lantas aku teringat petikan daripada sebuah hadis mengenai hubungan sesama Muslim,

'… Seorang Muslim adalah saudara bagi Muslim yang lainnya, dia tidak menzaliminya dan mengabaikannya, tidak mendustakannya dan tidak menghinanya… '  (HR Muslim)

Allah swt berfirman,

'Orang-orang beriman itu sesungguhnya bersaudara' (surah Al-Hujurat, ayat 10)

Aku fikir ini juga sebuah teguran dan kesedaran secara tidak langsung buat aku. Pabila kita anggap sesama kita bersaudara, atas nama agama, dan kerana Allah, kita akan sentiasa hadir dan bertemu dengan prasangka yang baik, dan segala persengkataan boleh dielak, seterusnya bersatu demi menyumbang dan membangunkan ummah.

Moga kita semua diberi hidayah oleh Allah untuk sentiasa membudayakan akhlak yang baik, dan menjadi qudwah hasanah bagi orang lain untuk kembali kepada Allah dan mendekati agama ini. Insya Allah.

Leading Yourself

Assalamualaikum wbt

Alhamdulillah, KPSM has ended few weeks ago, I've already started my industrial training, and this is a delayed post. Obviously.

Being a leader was never an easy job and will never be, even if you have great support and cooperation from your team. Because in the end, you are all by yourself.  

We always thought that leadership is about leading other people to a great thing, but through my experiences, I think leadership is about leading yourself. You've got to show that you are good despite of your weaknesses, then only can people look up and follow. 

This experience has really made me see another side of me. Sometimes, you just do not know who you are actually until your are given things to handle and to face. This time, I see so much weaknesses in me. So much, and just too much! But all of those did not break my spirit. Instead, those are the things that will keep me motivated to improvise and keep on learning.

I enjoy it and this will definitely be remembered. 

I'd rather look back at my life and say "I can't believe I did that" instead of saying, "I wish I did that."

My task ends here.

Coffee Talk

Assalamualaikum wbt

I super duper love love love hanging out this way with favourite people in my life. I just love the feel of sharing or hearing a story from friends or family while sipping on a cup of latte. It feels so warm. It feels so calm. And I feel so loved!

Today we did it. Right after Asiff's sister's wedding, we went to have an evening coffee talk. Coffee hunting konon-kononnya. hehe

You know the good part of this kind of hangout? You can talk about almost anything and seldom, just so seldom will make you feel hesitate to share. It's good to do this sometimes. Just to let out some of the messed-up matters and release a bit of the stress. And the best part is, it is in this kind of hangout that we often hear stories that people won't usually share. Sipping on a large size hazelnut latte, while hearing stories and voicing out your opinions on certain issue is a definite satisfaction.

At the end of our conversation, a question was asked randomly to all of us,

"Agak-agak lepas kerja nanti ada masa tak nak hangout macam ni lagi?"

Hearing it alone has already broke my heart. We will definitely not going to have the 'us' time the same way we did. Soon, other people will enter our life and things won't be the same. It cannot be. As we are stepping towards new phase of life, these are some of the things that we need to leave behind and welcome the new people and new thing with joy and hope.

But then,

Maybe we can. With all of our families, perhaps.