Tutup Buku 2014

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Mengakhiri 2014 dengan demam dan selsema yang makin teruk bukanlah sesuatu yang aku harapkan.

Aku ingat nak tulis panjang-panjang ala-ala throwback lah katakan, tapi bila sampai suku jalan, aku padam balik. Buat apalah sangat nak recall satu per satu semua sedih gembira pahit manis masam pedas? Cukuplah aku dan orang terdekat yang tahu. Lagipun, celoteh aku dalam blog ni ada banyak. Yang tawa duka ada. Mana nak selak, selaklah. Mana nak belek, beleklah. 

Dan penghujung tahun ini juga hanya menyaksikan lebih banyak tragedi sedih. Banjir dan QZ8501 adalah yang diberi tumpuan buat masa ini. 

Jadi akhirnya, ini sahaja yang mampu aku coretkan.
Semoga tahun baru Masihi ini lebih bermakna. Aku tak boleh minta jangan ditambah lagi kesedihan atau kesusahan sebab perancang terbaik itu Tuhan. Sudah pasti akan ada cabaran lebih besar dari arah yang tidak akan aku sangka, juga akan ada kegembiraan dari arah yang tidak akan aku sangka. Pastikan diri selalu ingat, bahawa Allah selalu ada, dalam apa jua keadaan pun. Mohonlah kekuatan dan keampunan dalam apa jua pun keadaan. Semoga Allah sentiasa meredhai, memelihara dan memandu kita ke jalan yang benar.

The Hardest for The Eldest

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I remembered having conversation together with Ummi and the rest of the siblings, and we talked about Ummi's experiences giving birth to all 5 of us.

And the hardest one is me ----- 17 hours of labor!

Allah. Can't imagine the pain that she need to suffer throughout the 17 hours.
I don't think I can if it was me.

MindRant 13

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From Raindrops to Catastrophe

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Taken from backyard
Do not underestimate how raindrops can cause so much destruction to the Earth.

The flood news is flooding the news feed of Facebook and it is tiring to see all of those. On the other hand, it is so much relieved and joy to see voluntary works and aid missions continuously be channeled to the victims. 

For all the things that He created, there will always be reasons. 

Perhaps He is giving lessons and wake us up through this major warning. Thus we should all make efforts to pray and to seek the hikmah behind this catastrophe. 

Let's seek forgiveness, and pray that this disaster will be over. Let's pray for the victims to be strong and patient.  

#10 Recipe Tryout: Garlic Cheese Ball

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Well, this is an old post. Hihi. You see, I am very interested in food, especially savoury food. The problem is, I am a lazy bump when it comes into entering the kitchen, and thinking of preparing all of the ingredients makes me get even lazier. Plus, 50% of the recipes that I tried, will eventually lead to failure. *sigh*

Nevertheless, I am still into it and my interest towards recipe tryout has not been fading. Thus, I tried this: Garlic Cheese Ball.

This is my recipe and adapted just a little bit from the steam bun recipe.

300g wheat flour/ all purpose flour/pau flour
30g garlic spread
15g oregano/Italian herbs 
50g sugar
15g shortening
1 teaspoon yeast
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons bread softener
1 egg
A pinch of salt
Olives oil/ any cooking oil
Some water

Cheddar cheese or Mozarella cheese

The first step of this recipe is to make sure that the yeast is soaked in about 50ml of lukewarm water. Just enough to mix the yeast. Let it sit for around 10 minutes.

While waiting for the yeast mixture to bubble up, mix all of the bread ingredients (except the water) in a bowl. Knead them slowly. I advice you to use a mixer to mix them evenly and get a much consistent texture. But you could always go with the traditional way of mixing them with your bare hands.

After that, add in the yeast mixture to bind all of the ingredients together. Add in the water little by little until a soft texture is obtained. It will be just a little sticky. If water is overly poured, be sure to adjust it with some flour, just enough to get the right texture and reduce the stickiness.

Once the dough is formed, add in some olive oil to smoothen the texture and avoid it from sticking to the wall of the bowl. Then cover the bowl with damped cloth and let it rest for 2 hours.

When the dough has risen, punch the center of the dough to release the air and knead them a little bit more. Form small balls with the dough and fill the center with the cheese. Be sure to seal the dough properly to avoid the cheese from oozing out while frying. Hahaaa

Once the balls are set, heat the oil and fry them until golden brown. Eat it while it is still warm to get the melting cheese in your mouth!

You can always modify the recipe to your favourite preferences by replacing it with cinnamon, curry leaves, or simply plain dough. Happy tryout!

Achu's Wedding

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"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"

27 December 2014
The day that marked Achu's new step in life. 
Th only lady among her siblings of Hj Zamri's family. 
The end of all the waits. 

I carry the duty as her bridesmaid on her big day. It is a great honor to being able to do so.

I was besides Achu all the time, holding her cold hands that were shaking. Nervous. I bet her heartbeat increased each time the clock ticked. And it was even nerve-wrecking when the Imam has arrived, ready to start the solemnization ceremony. 

As usual, the ceremony starts with khutbah nikah that explains the purpose of marriage, the responsibilities that must be carried for both husband and wife and other things related to it. 

For the people who really give attention to the content of the khutbah, you will be really touched to know how Allah is very compassionate and loving when He gives the feelings of love between humans and allow them to be united in a blessed way. On the other hand, you will also realize that marriage is not an easy thing. You will need to carry big responsibility as a husband and a wife, to the family members of the partner, and soon, if Allah wills, as a mother and father of future mujahid/mujahidah. 

A marriage is one of the way to build a better generation. A better ummah. 

Atok was the one who carried the duty to marry them both, and this is his first time since Achu is the only daughter in the family. I know Atok is just as nervous as the bride and groom when he mistakenly said " Aku nikahkan dikau Mohd Aris Mohd Jaafar dengan anakku Mohd Zamri bin Mohd Sarap...". Hahhahha. That's his name!! All that were present burst into laughter, while the Imam can only shook his head and smile. 

But alhamdulillah, all went well. Achu is now officially a wife. I saw her tears falling down slowly and her hands were shaking even more when the du'a was recited. 

The wedding was held on the same day at KK Club Melawati. 

For every wedding, it is a day of gathering for friends and families. Those that have not met for a very long time, those that are living in great distance, those that are near, and those that are close. It unites all. 

That day, the bride and the groom were the prettiest and the most charming of all. With beautiful decorations of the hall, stunning and elegant outfits, delicious food; I saw smiles and happy faces everywhere, filling up the atmosphere. It was indeed the best day of the year. 

Alhamdulillah. A blessed day. 
May Allah shower both of you, Achu Ita and Uncle Aris, with His blessings and His love. May we all will always be guided toward a straighter path, and together, enter the Jannah. Insya Allah. 

Selamat Pengantin Baru Achu!

Sketch Tools

Assalamualaikum wbt

The start of study week.
I'm waiting for the day after today to go back home. 
While waiting for that, these tools gonna be my companion for a while. 

This has been my favourite past time since I was small.
I must admit, I am not a creative person. I only know how to copy other people's sketch. I've tried doing it few times, on my own, using my imagination, but it turned out ugly.


But I know I'm capable to do this on my own. I mean, using my ow draft, sketch and vision. I just need to brush it up a little bit more ey? 

Hectic Final Week!

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It's the final week and everyone is struggling to death in order to finish up the assignments that are piling up. 
Thus, is the students life.
May He ease all of us.

I wanna go home! =(


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Berangan kejap

Okay, balik ke realiti.

MindRant 11

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Beginilah dakwah dan tarbiyah sepatutnya. Membawa bersama orang yang dikasihinya.

"Sesungguhnya seorang muslim itu apabila dia berjalan di jalan dakwah, dia tidak berjalan dengan hatinya sahaja. Bahkan dibawa bersama hati saudaranya. Justeru, setiap pahala yang didapati sepanjang perjalananya pasti akan terbias buat saudara seperjuangannya."------Mustafa Masyur.

Qawiy Lillah!

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Ujian itu akan datang melalui perkara yang kita sangat dan teramat lemah.
Itu, untuk lihat kebergantungan kita kepada Allah swt.
Kukuhkah pautan kita padaNya?

Sabarlah dengan keimanan dan keyakinan.
Kita akan kuat, pasti.
Sebelum itu, mari betulkan niat.
Segalanya perlu hanya kerana Allah.

Ini tidak lama.
Kerana hidup ini memang tak akan lama.
Sampai masanya nanti ada ganjaran akan diberi.
Kalaulah bukan di sini, tentunya di akhirat nanti.

Silver Lining

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