Status itu

Assalamualaikum wbt

Setiap hari aku terbaca setiap bait yang engkau kata
Ditujukan kepada siapa tidaklah daku dapat meneka.

Tulisan yang awalnya tampak bermakna
Seolah memberi kritikan membina
Lama-lama tampak seperti mengherdik
Seolah engkau yang paling cerdik

Ah kau,
Sembang kencang bagai kau sahaja yang betul.
Segala yang dahulu kelihatan menyinar,
Kini telah jadi semakin pudar.
Hambar kerana propa yang lebih.

Tiada lagi aku dapat menahan.
I don't need any negative vibes around me.



Through Abi's Eyes

Assalamualaikum wbt

Suatu hari aku berada di rumah,
Sedang sibuk sediakan makanan tengahari untuk family.
Tiba-tiba Abi datang ke dapur,

"Masak apa harini?"
"emm, bubur nasi dengan kari telur je"

"Beruntung siapa kahwin dengan nini nanti"


Aku tak tahu kenapa, aku rasa sebak yang teramat waktu tu.

I think he is gaining as much strength as he can,
To get himself ready of letting his grown up daughters go.

French Class

Assalamualaikum wbt

"So tell me what is 'I Love You' in French?"


"Nobody knows?"


"You are learning the most romantic language in the world, you must learn how to say I Love You in French!"


Okay then,

Je t'aime...

The Pioneers

Assalamualaikum wbt

Yes, we are!
4th semester. Here we go!

Oh, this was designed by Awie. He should've taken Graphic Designing course instead -.-'

Awkward Engagement

Assalamualaikum wbt

Err, is engagement day supposed to be that awkward?Hahaha

It was Achu's engagement day last Saturday, and for the first time ever, Abi is the spokeperson representing our side to discuss about the wedding. I told Achu, this gonna be a practice for him cause he got 5 more ceremonies to conduct, for his 5 daughters. Muehehe.

Anyway, congratulation Achu! I can't wait for the wedding day! May Allah ease and bless both of you.   

Sekolah Bukan Penjara, Universiti Bukan Kilang

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'Sekolah Bukan Penjara, Universiti Bukan Kilang'

Sebuah buku hasil pengumpulan artikel yang ditulis di dalam The Malaysian Insider. Buku yang dah agak lama juga habis dibaca. Cuma tak berapa nak tinggalkan kesan yang mendalam. Kalau bukan orang yang peka tentang isu-isu semasa, tiadalah faham akan apa yang ingin disampaikan.

Terlampau banyak pertikaian yang dibangkitkan berkenaan dengan hal-hal yang berlaku di Malaysia, especially pendidikan, which is a very very crucial and significant matter to the people in this country. Dan untuk aku, memang pembacaannya sedikit berat kerana penggunaan bahasa yang agak tinggi dan contoh-contoh yang bila semakin dibaca semakin tidak relevan. Contoh yang bagi aku terlampau jauh dan rumit. Ini serius. Tapi bagi aku, mungkin cara pemikiran aku yang masih belum cukup matang dan of course, tidak setaraf dengan pemikiran penulis.

Walau bagaimanapun, buku ini adalah satu usaha yang cukup baik kerana keberanian penulis dan kesungguhan beliau untuk membuka mata orang ramai akan kekurangan dan kelompongan sistem pendidikan di Malaysia. We hope the education system in our country can be refined and upgraded so that everyone can get the most of benefits in order to build a better society and country in the future.   

#5 Recipe Tryout: Sesame Chicken

Assalamualaikum wbt

This was done few days ago. I forgot. Eheh.

It was kind of Chinese dish.

Watak Antagonis

Assalamualaikum wbt

Apa ini.
Perkara kecil sering aku besarkan.
Jauhnya lari, mahu kemana?

Kali ini, biar aku yang menjadi antagonisnya.
Kerana kali ini,
Sering kali,
Hati lain yang terluka.

#4 Recipe Tryout: Hot Dog Rolls & DIY Notice Board

Assalamualaikum wbt

Today's achievement. Alhamdulillah.

 It was a little over baked though. But hey! A first-timer did it! Applause! Ahahah.

I still need to make improvements to these. Always need to. Insya Allah.
And today's another achievement is the new notice board. It was actually a 'pot mat'. Haha

Well, this is for the little sisters. I know they were excited for it just because of the bear wrapper. Need to work it out a little bit more to get it done.

I try to make today a productive one, and I think I did it. =)


The She-Cat and Me

Assalamualaikum wbt

There is a she-cat in my house. Muka bengis. Kami tak bagi nama padanya sebab dia datang entah daripada mana, with bloated tummy (pregnant), and then one day her tummy exploded (deliver). Maka lahirlah 5 ekor anak kucing yang kesemuanya so far sihat-sihat belaka.

Kesemua anak kucing kami letak dalam sangkar. Kata Saibah sebab takut burung patuk bila dibiar berkeliaran. Bilamasa si kecik ni perlu menyusu, ibunya yang bengis ni kami masukkan dalam sangkar for few moments.

Hari ini aku menjadi agak emosi bila tengok ibunya tak endahkan anak-anak yang dahagakan susu. But that was okay until she bite one of her kitty because she does not want to feed them. Ini buat aku marah. Maka aku terus keluarkan dia dan diikuti dengan pukulan kerana geram. Saibah was there.

"Kenapa Kak Nini pukul dia?!"
"Dia tak nak bagi susu kat anak dia. Tadi dia gigit anak dia!"
"Yelah, tapi janganlah pukul dia"
"Kalau Kak Nini keluarkan anak-anak kucing ni boleh tak?"
"Keluarkanlah kejap."

So I took all of them out from their cage. Let them wander and explore their surroundings. Ibunya ada kat situ. Lalu berdengkot-dengkotlah anak-anak kucing ni jalan menuju ke ibunya untuk menyusu. And you know what had surprised me? Ibunya immediately belai anak-anaknya dan baringkan diri untuk supaya mereka dapat menyusu. Berlawanan dengan apa yang aku baru je lihat tadi.

As I approached the she-cat, I saw one of her nipples bleed. It broke my heart. I could see the reason why she did not want to feed them. And then I look at the cage. Lantai yang berjaring dan berlubang. Probably dia rasa sakit dan tak selesa dengan keadaan dalam sangkar, maka dia tak sedia untuk susukan anak dia. Probably.

You see. Ibu mana tak kasihkan anak. Kadangkala, kasih binatang lagi hebat daripada manusia. I jumped into conclusion too fast when I saw what happened for the first time. One action and I had jumped into the negative thoughts without further investigating.

Well, aku pasti ada sebab Tuhan aturkan apa yang jadi untuk aku lihat dengan cara begini. Aku pasti ada sesuatu yang Dia ingin sampaikan. Aku amat pasti.

Thank you she-cat. You taught me a lesson.
And thank you Allah. You had opened my eyes.


Assalamualaikum wbt

At home, they are annoying little ladies that will blow you out anytime.
And when I go back to college, they will be the one that I'll miss the most.
One cheeky. One chatterbox.
Their laughter and ramblings fill up the house.
And when they got sick, their silence kills.

I love them both!

Huda and Hanan

#3 Recipe Tryout: Oreo Tiramisu

Assalamualaikum wbt

And today's special dessert iiiiiiiissssssss: Oreo Tiramisu!

I'd always wanted to try making my own Tiramisu but always thought that it is a complicated recipe with expensive ingredients, and therefore I didn't proceed. But then one day I followed a pastry class and had the chance to learn to make Tiramisu cake. That is when I found out it ain't that complicated to be made.

What I did was replacing the ingredients with a cheaper one. Classic mascarpone cheese and ladyfinger biscuits are substituted with just cream cheese and spongecake. And since this should be an oreo tiramisu, I've added layers of oreo between them. Plus, tiramisu is a no-bake-cake. All you have to do is just layer the ingredients one by one and cover them all with vivo. Chill it, and it is ready to be eaten. 

Tadaaaa! I just can't believe that I've finally made them by my own. Alhamdulillah =)

Well, it supposed to look like layers of Oreo and cream cheese, but this one is lacked of Oreo pieces, and coffee too, so it doesn't look like one. Hehe. It's my first try anyway. Improvement can always be made. Yeay!