Bukan Sekadar Menulis
Assalamualaikum wbt
"Ku bukan diciptakan
Berbakat sepenuhnya
Tetapi didatangkan hanya
Dengan nilai minat yang mendalam"
----- Norrezan Kamarudin
Sajak 'Bukan Sekadar Menulis'
[Fakulti Bahasa Moden dan Komunikasi, UPM]
Mind Rant
Assalamualaikum wbt
Ada kala bukan aku sengaja tak nak cerita,
Bukan sengaja tak nak bertanya.
Cuma aku rasa macam loser.
Sebab orang sebelum aku semuanya boleh overcome.
Aku pula lain jadinya.
Ada kala bukan aku sengaja tak nak cerita,
Bukan sengaja tak nak bertanya.
Cuma aku rasa macam loser.
Sebab orang sebelum aku semuanya boleh overcome.
Aku pula lain jadinya.
Turbulent Emotions
Assalamualaikum wbt
I came across the word 'turbulent' and now it's in my head.
It's raining.
At this moment,
the rain causes the fast flow of water in the drain.
Turbulent water.
Un-steady. Un-static.
And so do this piece of heart within.
Turbulent emotions.
I came across the word 'turbulent' and now it's in my head.
It's raining.
At this moment,
the rain causes the fast flow of water in the drain.
Turbulent water.
Un-steady. Un-static.
And so do this piece of heart within.
Turbulent emotions.
Mujahadah Melawan Nafsu
Assalamualaikum wbt
Setiap kali kuliah, akan ada buku nota berwarna hijau bersama aku untuk aku catitkan segala apa yang perlu untuk rujukan semula. Dan setiap kali nota ini dibuka, setiap kali itulah aku akan membelek nota-nota kecil yang aku selitkan di buku ini, yang aku dapat melalui satu ceramah semester lepas. I've been wanting to share all of them for sooooo long time, but I always forgot. So here it is. To be shared by all of you.
Ceramah "Mujahadah Melawan Nafsu" --- Ustazah Nik Farhan bt Mustafa
Contohnya andai kita dengar orang guna perkataan kesat pada kita, maka kita bisikkan "Ya Allah, aku tidak suka dengan apa yang dia kata". Maka andai ada kesungguhan, Allah akan berikan kita kesabaran dengan izinNya. =)
Bila bermujahadah, kita berkata tentang perubahan. Perubahan yang baik. Maka penampilan luar itu seringkali dititikberatkan dahulu berbanding dengan yang di dalam. Sebenarnya, dahulukanlah perubahan pada hati, itu akan membantu untuk perubahan yang di luar pula. Namun tidak dinafikan juga ada sesetengah orang yang mendahulukan penampilan luaran yang baik, kerana itu pendorong dan peringatan baginya agar berkelakuan seperti pemakainnya juga.
Paling utama sekali adalah solat. Solatlah yang menjadi pengukur kita nanti. Ia yang pertama akan dihisab. Maka sematkan dalam diri setiap kali hendak solat, " Aku nak jumpa Allah ni!" dan buang sementara segala perkara duniawi yang bermain di minda. Ini membantu untuk mendapat kekhusyukan dalam solat.
Akhir sekali, gunakan senjata yang kita ada sebagai seorang muslim ------ doa. Never ever underestimate the power of du'a. Apabila doa dilakukan dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan penuh harapan, kita sedang bersangka baik dengan Allah, maka dengan izinNya, bila-bila masa sahaja, doa itu akan termakbul. Utilise it well!
I hope that these little points will help us to struggle becoming a better Muslim. Kita semua mahu ke syurgaNya kan? Jom sama-sama usaha! Moga dipermudahkan segalanya oleh Allah swt. amiinn
Setiap kali kuliah, akan ada buku nota berwarna hijau bersama aku untuk aku catitkan segala apa yang perlu untuk rujukan semula. Dan setiap kali nota ini dibuka, setiap kali itulah aku akan membelek nota-nota kecil yang aku selitkan di buku ini, yang aku dapat melalui satu ceramah semester lepas. I've been wanting to share all of them for sooooo long time, but I always forgot. So here it is. To be shared by all of you.
Ceramah "Mujahadah Melawan Nafsu" --- Ustazah Nik Farhan bt Mustafa
- Diingatkan dahulu bahawa, nafsu lelaki itu 1, namun akalnya 9. sebaliknya pula dengan perempuan, kita memiliki 9 nafsu, dan akalnya hanya 1.
- Jangan dipandang enteng kebolehan wanita biarpun fitrahnya lemah, dan dikurnia hanya 1 akal. Tangan yang menghayun buaian bisa menggoncang dunia.
- Jangan diambil ringan juga perihal lelaki kerana 9 akalnya bisa ditewaskan dengan nafsu yang satu.
- Nak peroleh yang soleh atau solehah, maka kita dahulu yang perlu bergerak ke arah itu. Jangan risau, janji Allah itu pasti!
- Fahami konsep Taqwa ---- iaitu hati-hati pada setiap amalan yang dilakukan dengan memikirkan dahulu redha Allah, dan fikirkan samada apa yang dilakukan nanti akan disukai ataupun dibenciNya. Ada satu kisah di mana orang pernah bertanya kepada Saidina Umar tentang maksud Taqwa. Lalu dijawab:" Bayangkan perjalanan yang berduri. Sebagaimana kita berhati-hati berjalan di atas jalan yang berduri bagi mengelak luka, begitulah juga kita hati-hati dengan setiap perkara yang kita lakukan supaya Allah tidak murka."
- Banyakkan doa dan ingat pada Allah
- wujudkan bi'ah solehah
- Ikut kumpulan/persatuan yang baik
- Jangan pernah putus asa
Contohnya andai kita dengar orang guna perkataan kesat pada kita, maka kita bisikkan "Ya Allah, aku tidak suka dengan apa yang dia kata". Maka andai ada kesungguhan, Allah akan berikan kita kesabaran dengan izinNya. =)
Bila bermujahadah, kita berkata tentang perubahan. Perubahan yang baik. Maka penampilan luar itu seringkali dititikberatkan dahulu berbanding dengan yang di dalam. Sebenarnya, dahulukanlah perubahan pada hati, itu akan membantu untuk perubahan yang di luar pula. Namun tidak dinafikan juga ada sesetengah orang yang mendahulukan penampilan luaran yang baik, kerana itu pendorong dan peringatan baginya agar berkelakuan seperti pemakainnya juga.
Paling utama sekali adalah solat. Solatlah yang menjadi pengukur kita nanti. Ia yang pertama akan dihisab. Maka sematkan dalam diri setiap kali hendak solat, " Aku nak jumpa Allah ni!" dan buang sementara segala perkara duniawi yang bermain di minda. Ini membantu untuk mendapat kekhusyukan dalam solat.
Akhir sekali, gunakan senjata yang kita ada sebagai seorang muslim ------ doa. Never ever underestimate the power of du'a. Apabila doa dilakukan dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan penuh harapan, kita sedang bersangka baik dengan Allah, maka dengan izinNya, bila-bila masa sahaja, doa itu akan termakbul. Utilise it well!
I hope that these little points will help us to struggle becoming a better Muslim. Kita semua mahu ke syurgaNya kan? Jom sama-sama usaha! Moga dipermudahkan segalanya oleh Allah swt. amiinn
Assalamualaikum wbt
We just have to learn to appreciate.
Bukan kerja kita untuk menyenangi mereka.
Hati mereka bukan kita yang pegang.
Belajar untuk menghargai,
Kerana di setiap pertemuan itu ada sesuatu yang ingin disampaikan.
Percayalah, segalanya yang baik-baik sahaja.
"Be with someone who is proud to have you,
and happy for each of your flaws"We don't have to please everyone.
We just have to learn to appreciate.
Bukan kerja kita untuk menyenangi mereka.
Hati mereka bukan kita yang pegang.
Belajar untuk menghargai,
Kerana di setiap pertemuan itu ada sesuatu yang ingin disampaikan.
Percayalah, segalanya yang baik-baik sahaja.
The Best Indeed
Assalamualaikum wbt
Mari, berhenti sejenak.
Kentalkan diri dan hati.
Mari putuskan apa yang terbaik
Untuk aku,
Untuk engkau,
Untuk kita,
Selamat malam dunia.
Moga Allah redha.
Mari, berhenti sejenak.
Kentalkan diri dan hati.
Mari putuskan apa yang terbaik
Untuk aku,
Untuk engkau,
Untuk kita,
Selamat malam dunia.
Moga Allah redha.
Yang Tersembunyi Itu Untuk Kamu
Assalamualaikum wbt
Kau... jaga sikit perumpamaan yang kau beri.
Biarpun semua tahu itu gurauan.
Siapa yang membuka pekung di dada?
Janganlah tuding jari kau yang satu pada aku.
Nampak tak empat lagi jari tersembunyi?
Ke mana ia dihala?
Kepada engkau kan?
Harap maklum.
Kau... jaga sikit perumpamaan yang kau beri.
Biarpun semua tahu itu gurauan.
Siapa yang membuka pekung di dada?
Janganlah tuding jari kau yang satu pada aku.
Nampak tak empat lagi jari tersembunyi?
Ke mana ia dihala?
Kepada engkau kan?
Harap maklum.
Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake
Assalamualaikum wbt
First trial, and alhamdulillah, menjadi! Nampak tak 'burnt' kat permukaan kek tu? Itulah yang sedap! The crust! Sebenarnya tak nak post gambar sebab nampak hodoh kek tu oi!Macamni ha =(
Tetibe pagi tadi potong, "eh macam oke je ni kalau ambik gambar." hahaha. So here it is.
The procedure of making this was quite complicated and messy although guna bahan yang simple. But alhamdulillah menjadi, so lepas ni boleh buat lagi. wink wink. =)
First trial, and alhamdulillah, menjadi! Nampak tak 'burnt' kat permukaan kek tu? Itulah yang sedap! The crust! Sebenarnya tak nak post gambar sebab nampak hodoh kek tu oi!Macamni ha =(
Tetibe pagi tadi potong, "eh macam oke je ni kalau ambik gambar." hahaha. So here it is.
The procedure of making this was quite complicated and messy although guna bahan yang simple. But alhamdulillah menjadi, so lepas ni boleh buat lagi. wink wink. =)
Yang Ganjil Di Antara Mereka
Assalamualaikum wbt
Bila mana corak paisley, tudung sarung berlapis-lapis, pashmina, blouse dan palazo serta skirt labuh telah menjadi terlalu mainstream... dan dia yang berdiri di tengah-tengah antara mereka, molek berbaju kurung biasa bunga kecil, bertudung bawal, terus menjadi yang teristimewa berbanding yang lain.
Manis =)
Bila mana corak paisley, tudung sarung berlapis-lapis, pashmina, blouse dan palazo serta skirt labuh telah menjadi terlalu mainstream... dan dia yang berdiri di tengah-tengah antara mereka, molek berbaju kurung biasa bunga kecil, bertudung bawal, terus menjadi yang teristimewa berbanding yang lain.
Manis =)
Feels That Close
Assalamualaikum wbt
Shrek 4: Forever After
I was watching this (for the 100th time I guess and never get bored, haha), and it has always been anticipating when it comes to the line where Fiona said to Shrek:
" Where were you, when I needed you".
I don't even know why did I found it so interesting. I just felt so close to the line spoken. Feels like telling Shrek: " haaaa kan ambik kau!". Haha. Seriously.
Anyway, Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake is perfectly done for the first trial, alhamdulillah! Waiting for it to cool down, and all of us can enjoy it with nice warm hazelnut coffee. Emmmmmm! =)
p/s: The recipe was taken from here http://easybaked.net/
Shrek 4: Forever After
I was watching this (for the 100th time I guess and never get bored, haha), and it has always been anticipating when it comes to the line where Fiona said to Shrek:
" Where were you, when I needed you".
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Anyway, Cinnamon Roll Cheesecake is perfectly done for the first trial, alhamdulillah! Waiting for it to cool down, and all of us can enjoy it with nice warm hazelnut coffee. Emmmmmm! =)
p/s: The recipe was taken from here http://easybaked.net/
Beauty Inside Out
Assalamualaikum wbt
Recently, I was scrolling down the Facebook newsfeed, and I came through some suggested pages on facial whitening products. These days, whitening products has emerged largely in the cosmetic industry at a very rapid time span. To be honest, yes, I did opened the pages to see what are they offering and the testimonies from their customers (just to check on how their products work).
The results: It was the opposite of what I've searched through Google, compared to the one that was shown in the pages. Of course they won't show the negative one on their pages, but try to search it on the internet through other mediums which does not belong to the owner, you will find some feedback on the negative side effects that have been experienced.
To be honest again, yes, I was one of those people whom have been influenced with all these positive feedback. And by seeing the flawless pictures (of before and after) that they've posted, it increases my eagerness to buy them. The results amazed me! The only thing is that, I haven't got the chance to own them til now. Oh well, as a student, money is a very big issue okee! Those things aren't cheap! However, I am really grateful for not doing so.
With the large emergence of these type of products, it was like a beauty campaign with having fair skin as the main objective. Everyone was sooo into it that they would be willing to spend lots of money to buy the products. I was wondering what are they trying to promote to the society? That beauty only belongs to those with fair and flawless skin? That beauty is to be seen only from the outer perspective?
I was, too, used to prone to these beauty products which promises you the fair and flawless skin that everyone was dreaming to have. I've even tried them a few times, and it didn't work. Some cause me to feel some sorts of burning sensation on my skin. Of course some may guarantee a very rapid changes after using the products, but they will have the chemical after-effects when we starts to get older. And because I'm a person who are soooo afraid of these long-term side effects that I don't even favour to consume medicine, so I stopped.
I'm not saying it's not right. I was just making a conclusion of what I've seen. It's like being perfectly pretty is the ultimate purpose. Well of course, everybody wants to become pretty. Who doesn't? But the society now is seen to become more and more obsessed with outer beauty. People, what's the big deal about it?!
Urgh. I'd better stop now because it makes me feel a bit of emotional. In a way, I felt so stupid for letting my desire of having perfect skin conquered me. When I look at other people who is happy with whatever they were given, it makes me realise that perfection does not come in a perfect form. It is subjective. Most of the times, the imperfection is the key towards perfection.
Dark skin or fair, flawless or with pimples, with scars or without, we should always be grateful and appreciate whatever that we have. For all of these are not ours, and will soon fade away. Do not be obsessed by beauty as it is a subjective matter. Don't be so serious about it for there are many other important things to be given extra care. What matter is our health. As long as we're happy with ourselves, then that's fine. That's all we need.
We need to appreciate ourselves first, and then the confident in us will boost up. True love is not judged through the outer beauty. It's the personality from inside that will reflect who we are in the outside.
I've taken my lessons. Chill lah! =)
Recently, I was scrolling down the Facebook newsfeed, and I came through some suggested pages on facial whitening products. These days, whitening products has emerged largely in the cosmetic industry at a very rapid time span. To be honest, yes, I did opened the pages to see what are they offering and the testimonies from their customers (just to check on how their products work).
The results: It was the opposite of what I've searched through Google, compared to the one that was shown in the pages. Of course they won't show the negative one on their pages, but try to search it on the internet through other mediums which does not belong to the owner, you will find some feedback on the negative side effects that have been experienced.
To be honest again, yes, I was one of those people whom have been influenced with all these positive feedback. And by seeing the flawless pictures (of before and after) that they've posted, it increases my eagerness to buy them. The results amazed me! The only thing is that, I haven't got the chance to own them til now. Oh well, as a student, money is a very big issue okee! Those things aren't cheap! However, I am really grateful for not doing so.
With the large emergence of these type of products, it was like a beauty campaign with having fair skin as the main objective. Everyone was sooo into it that they would be willing to spend lots of money to buy the products. I was wondering what are they trying to promote to the society? That beauty only belongs to those with fair and flawless skin? That beauty is to be seen only from the outer perspective?
I was, too, used to prone to these beauty products which promises you the fair and flawless skin that everyone was dreaming to have. I've even tried them a few times, and it didn't work. Some cause me to feel some sorts of burning sensation on my skin. Of course some may guarantee a very rapid changes after using the products, but they will have the chemical after-effects when we starts to get older. And because I'm a person who are soooo afraid of these long-term side effects that I don't even favour to consume medicine, so I stopped.
I'm not saying it's not right. I was just making a conclusion of what I've seen. It's like being perfectly pretty is the ultimate purpose. Well of course, everybody wants to become pretty. Who doesn't? But the society now is seen to become more and more obsessed with outer beauty. People, what's the big deal about it?!
Urgh. I'd better stop now because it makes me feel a bit of emotional. In a way, I felt so stupid for letting my desire of having perfect skin conquered me. When I look at other people who is happy with whatever they were given, it makes me realise that perfection does not come in a perfect form. It is subjective. Most of the times, the imperfection is the key towards perfection.
Dark skin or fair, flawless or with pimples, with scars or without, we should always be grateful and appreciate whatever that we have. For all of these are not ours, and will soon fade away. Do not be obsessed by beauty as it is a subjective matter. Don't be so serious about it for there are many other important things to be given extra care. What matter is our health. As long as we're happy with ourselves, then that's fine. That's all we need.
We need to appreciate ourselves first, and then the confident in us will boost up. True love is not judged through the outer beauty. It's the personality from inside that will reflect who we are in the outside.
I've taken my lessons. Chill lah! =)
Eid Adha: The Ultimate Sacrifice
Assalamualaikum wbt
Aidiladha was nothing much different compared to the previous years. The only special thing is Nasi Maqluba served with roasted chicken, salad and wedges, which is of course made by Ummi, replacing the very common nasi impit, rendang, kuah kacang, and lodeh. Delicious! =D
After Abi came back from performing Eid prayer, we went to Shah Alam to visit Opah at the hospital.Opah has been attacked by stroke about 13 years ago, and she is completely paralyzed now. It was a complete silence when we arrived there. Only Abi was talking, telling all of us about some current issues after reading the newspaper.
The last 15 minutes of the visit was the most meaningful ever when Abi head near to Opah, gently touching her, and tell her about the story behind this special day.
Yes. The story of Sacrifice. The story of Nabi Ibrahim a.s, his wife Siti Hajar and his son, Nabi Ismail a.s. Abi reminded Opah that the pain that is faced by her now is just a little compared to what Nabi Ibrahim and his family has gone through. He told Opah that she is on the way to meet Allah, and she must put that as the main goal. To keep on being patient, and be strong. For this pain will grant her with hasanah (goodness), and wash her away from sins.
Opah is indeed a strong woman. A loving and caring mother. May Allah blessed Opah with her patience in facing this painful challenges. May Allah grant her with lots of barakah (blessings) and of course, Jannatul Firdaus. Amiin, Insya Allah.
'Sacrifice' is such a big word when it comes to the celebration of Eid Adha.
We have lots of things to say and to relate about 'sacrifice'.
But it's the power of LOVE that drives us towards making the SACRIFICE.
The love between
let us strive, struggle, and make the sacrifice towards the akhirah.
The sacrifice to own his blessings, his love,
and everyone's dream destination ------ Jannah.
It's 10 Zulhijjah 1434H.
Salam Aidiladha.
Aidiladha was nothing much different compared to the previous years. The only special thing is Nasi Maqluba served with roasted chicken, salad and wedges, which is of course made by Ummi, replacing the very common nasi impit, rendang, kuah kacang, and lodeh. Delicious! =D
After Abi came back from performing Eid prayer, we went to Shah Alam to visit Opah at the hospital.Opah has been attacked by stroke about 13 years ago, and she is completely paralyzed now. It was a complete silence when we arrived there. Only Abi was talking, telling all of us about some current issues after reading the newspaper.
The last 15 minutes of the visit was the most meaningful ever when Abi head near to Opah, gently touching her, and tell her about the story behind this special day.
Yes. The story of Sacrifice. The story of Nabi Ibrahim a.s, his wife Siti Hajar and his son, Nabi Ismail a.s. Abi reminded Opah that the pain that is faced by her now is just a little compared to what Nabi Ibrahim and his family has gone through. He told Opah that she is on the way to meet Allah, and she must put that as the main goal. To keep on being patient, and be strong. For this pain will grant her with hasanah (goodness), and wash her away from sins.
Opah is indeed a strong woman. A loving and caring mother. May Allah blessed Opah with her patience in facing this painful challenges. May Allah grant her with lots of barakah (blessings) and of course, Jannatul Firdaus. Amiin, Insya Allah.
'Sacrifice' is such a big word when it comes to the celebration of Eid Adha.
We have lots of things to say and to relate about 'sacrifice'.
But it's the power of LOVE that drives us towards making the SACRIFICE.
The love between
and the greatest LOVE of all,a mother and her child,a teacher and her student,a husband and his wife.
the love of a servant towards his/her God.Dear all,
Allah swt.
let us strive, struggle, and make the sacrifice towards the akhirah.
The sacrifice to own his blessings, his love,
and everyone's dream destination ------ Jannah.
It's 10 Zulhijjah 1434H.
Salam Aidiladha.
Ini Untuk Kamu, SAHABAT!
Assalamualaikum wbt
Ini.... untuk anda anda anda!
Maaf dengan kesibukan yang melanda.
Ada masa nanti kita bersua luangkan masa =)
Ada masa nanti kita bersua luangkan masa =)
"Kaulah yang selalu
Selalu menemaniku
Mendengar kisah pahit manis
Kaulah yang di situ
Setia menunggu ku
Kaulah yang satu
Menjadi sahabatku"
Selalu menemaniku
Mendengar kisah pahit manis
Kaulah yang di situ
Setia menunggu ku
Kaulah yang satu
Menjadi sahabatku"
- Sahabat, Najwa Latif
A Quick Break
Assalamualaikum wbt
A bright Saturday, woke up just a bit late to enjoy the morning sunlight, listening to some good songs, with hazelnut coffee as a company, and this is beyond perfect! It has been so hard to have this kind of moment due to the busyness. Today, I'm taking a break! =)
A bright Saturday, woke up just a bit late to enjoy the morning sunlight, listening to some good songs, with hazelnut coffee as a company, and this is beyond perfect! It has been so hard to have this kind of moment due to the busyness. Today, I'm taking a break! =)
"And I never want to let you down
Forgive me if I slip away
When all that I've known is lost and found
I promise you I, I'll come back to you one day"
Forgive me if I slip away
When all that I've known is lost and found
I promise you I, I'll come back to you one day"
- February Song, Josh Groban
Kita Seri
Assalamualaikum wbt
Di depan sini, kau bercakap-cakap tentang dia.
Di belakang sana, dia melambai-lambai pada kau sambil berkata,
" Oi! Aku pun bercakap pasal kau jugak!"
Win-win situation.
Fair kan?
Di depan sini, kau bercakap-cakap tentang dia.
Di belakang sana, dia melambai-lambai pada kau sambil berkata,
" Oi! Aku pun bercakap pasal kau jugak!"
Win-win situation.
Fair kan?
Masa Tiada Berundur
Assalamualaikum wbt
Inilah dia, kesibukan melanda
Pejam celik pejam celik
Eh, dah Oktober?
Nanti pejam celik lagi,
Eh, Disember?
Pejam celik lagi,
Eh, dah 2014?
Kau nampak tak masa berlalu pantas?
Laju dia jalan kan.
Itu yang kita ungkapkan bila rasa waktu sangat singkat.
Mari sini aku beritahu.
Sebenarnya, waktu berjalan seperti biasa.
Tidak lambat, tidak cepat.
Semua bergantung pada kau.
Manfaatkan sebaiknya, maka masa berlalu dengan pengisian.
Jika sebaliknya, maka masa berlalu dengan penyesalan.
24 jam kita ada.
Entah bila ajal tiba.
Dalam setiap detik yang kita lalui ni,
Salah satunya adalah detik kematian.
Maka adakah kau bersedia?
Kerna waktu tidak menunggu
Patuhnya dia dengan tugasnya
Untuk tetap berjalan biarpun diminta berhenti
Untuk tetap ke depan biarpun diminta mengundur
Mari muhasabah
Mari perbaiki yang silap
Kita semua mampu!
Inilah dia, kesibukan melanda
Pejam celik pejam celik
Eh, dah Oktober?
Nanti pejam celik lagi,
Eh, Disember?
Pejam celik lagi,
Eh, dah 2014?
Kau nampak tak masa berlalu pantas?
Laju dia jalan kan.
Itu yang kita ungkapkan bila rasa waktu sangat singkat.
Mari sini aku beritahu.
Sebenarnya, waktu berjalan seperti biasa.
Tidak lambat, tidak cepat.
Semua bergantung pada kau.
Manfaatkan sebaiknya, maka masa berlalu dengan pengisian.
Jika sebaliknya, maka masa berlalu dengan penyesalan.
24 jam kita ada.
Entah bila ajal tiba.
Dalam setiap detik yang kita lalui ni,
Salah satunya adalah detik kematian.
Maka adakah kau bersedia?
Kerna waktu tidak menunggu
Patuhnya dia dengan tugasnya
Untuk tetap berjalan biarpun diminta berhenti
Untuk tetap ke depan biarpun diminta mengundur
Mari muhasabah
Mari perbaiki yang silap
Kita semua mampu!
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