Assalamualaikum wbt
It's the 8th Syawal already.
Walau raya ke-5 kitorang dah tak beraya dah memandangkan Abi dah mula bekerja, tapi suasana raya di rumah tetap terasa dengan kehadiran tetamu-tetamu lain, especially bekas-bekas pelajar Ummi. Meriahla juga bila masing-masing dah mula berkongsi dan bertukar cerita.
A teacher may not remember each name of the students that she/he has taught, but she do remember each faces. Believe me.
I know how does Ummi feel when her students that she taught before came and visit her for raya. Yang batch 2008, batch 2010, akan datang ni ada lagi yang akan bertandang. Ummi mestilah terharu kan?? :')
Anyway, flashback....flashback....
Alhamdulillah, I got the chance to perform Solat Aidilfitri this year. Biasanya setiap tahun mesti ada 'keuzuran' mengahalang. So after few years, I finally got the chance. Laungan takbir yang didengar setibanya di Masjid Sultan Sulaiman sangatlah sayu. As I sit in the mosque, together, with the rest of the jemaah, tears started to fill the eyes, but I held them.
Since Nenek balik Pahang beraya di rumah Mak Ngah, maka pada Hari Raya Pertama, we went straight to rumah Atok (sebelah Abi) di Sg Udang, Klang right after Solat Aidilfitri. This year, what touched me was, the chance to gather ALL 4 of Abi's siblings and the chance to meet with the cousins that we had not seen for quite few years. Alhamdulillah!
Zamri's Family |
Biasanya setiap tahun, kitorang akan habiskan beraya saudara-saudara sebelah Ummi di Meru. But tahun ni, plan bertukar. kami habiskan beraya rumah saudara-mara di Kg Baru KL, in which this is the place that Abi had spent his childhood time.
Beraya lagilah! Apa lagi kan? Hehe... Anyway,foto adik-beradik at last.
Birthday on raya!That's why I called it double celebration.Well,I turned 19 already! Alhamdulillah... :D Thank you for all the wishes, families, friends, and special one. Thank you Tikah for the call :')
Abi bought a white chocolate coated cake and .........surprisingly, a bouquet of flowers! Not just ordinary flowers. They are white roses. My favourite! Thank you Abi :D
Nini takkan cerita detaillah apa berlaku on each day of Raya but I can make an overall 'conclusion' for this year Raya.
It is meaningful as always. The gatherings, the smiles on each of the faces I've seen on pagi Syawal, the laughters, ALL! I am grateful with all of these. If nak jumpa orang yang berjauhan, lama tak jumpa, and only meet once a year, then Aidilfitri is the best time to do this. Another one special thing : This year I managed to make my own biskut raya! Lots I tell ya! Chocolate chip biscuits, semperit, mazola, oat cookies, cornflake madu and special request from Abi, makmur (it's Abi's favourites). Aidilfitri gathered all of us. Near or far. Appreciate every bits inside it.
So, Salam Aidlfitri to every Muslims. Taqabbalullahu minna wa minkum. :)