An Advice From A Father To A Daughter

Assalamualaikum wbt...

Dear daughter...

A good wife gives her all for her husband. Her happiness is when her husband is happy. She is prepared to sacrifice her spirit, her ambitions, her desires and her comfort for her husband. She regards herself as a wife and a slave. For the sake of her husband, she regards disgrace as honour and a bed of thorns as a bed of flowers.

Listen well oh my innocent daughter! You will soon be a new bride and a daughter-in-law. You are entering a new phase in your life. Until now, you have been playing and eating and sleeping without worry. You were happy and laughing all the time. Things will be changing now. You will now have responsibilities and you will be living under a new rule. Until now you have been living for yourself. From tomorrow, you will be serving others. The one who was the charm of people's eyes and who grew up in cradle of hopes will now be handed over in the service of others.

Remember that whatever good or bad happens will be for that day. Take things a step at a time. You will need to restrain yourself because the journey ahead is not going to be an easy one. The responsibilities will be difficult but remember that the rewards and glad tidings are also tremendous.

Ummu Salma narrates from the one who was sent as a mercy to the universe, 'The woman who passes every stage of her life and finally reaches the final stage while her husband is pleased with her, she will surely enter Jannah. It is as if there is no barrier between Jannah and her!'

Dear daughter, even the worst difficulties of life are temporary. Keep the final stage of life in front of you and Allah Taala will turn every thorn into a flower and every stone into water.

Your father

*I wonder what Abi will tell me and advise me when the time has come,hehehe*

A Gift For A Muslim Bride

Assalamualaikum wbt..
Last thursday, I had the chance to borrow some interesting books from the library and one of it is entitled "A Gift for Muslim Bride". Please, don't get me wrong. It does not mean that I am going to get married in short time or 'berangan sangat nak kahwin' (tipula kalau tak pernah!) ahaha.It just that I am very attracted to the words and the phrases that they used in that book. It somehow contains lots of advices, sayings and beautiful words and it is not only for the bride-to-be, but also, for all the Muslim women out there. Taking six exemplary Muslim ladies (Saiditina Khadijah, Zainab, Ruqaiyah, Khaulah, Ummul Hakeem and Saidatina Saudah) who displayed excellent qualities,you can take them as an example and as a preparation for a new life ahead. Hee :D

For me.... I take it as a chance, putting it into one of my step, in the journey of becoming a better Muslimah. A blessed one, Insya Allah. So I shall share with you one of its writing regarding 'An Advice From A Father To A Daughter' on the next post.

A Sense Of Maturity

Walk A Bit Straighter
Talk A Bit Wiser


Assalamualaikum wbt...

That evening
Everything seem to be very calm
It may indicates that all the preparation for the big day tomorrow was done
Downstairs,at the back
The preparations  for the upcoming ‘kenduri’ was ready
The bedroom for the bride and groom was decorated perfectly
Black and white
The ‘hantaran’ were all ready
Well… judging by the colours and materials used to decorate them
Green, with the bushy thingy inside the base of the basket
Woody –looked of basket holder
Completed with the attachment of birds and nest and some even have the eggs in it
And to contrast it
A few white roses on the corner of the base of the ‘hantaran’
I thought… “ala-ala tema hutan kot”, heee  ^^
Downstairs again, at the front
Canopies for the ‘kenduri’ event
Nicely set up
With the decorations
A gold-white theme
The ‘pelamin’
A white one
With a bouquet of flowers of beige, orange, white and red combinations on both sides
One of my favourite colour
That is why
From the view of my eyes
It was perfect
At night
Last minute preparations were made
The ‘bunga rampai’ and ‘sirih junjung’
To complete the ‘hantaran’
At the end of the day
I heard Anjang said to Ummi
“Abang tak sedia apa-apa lagi ni nak lafaz esok”
He as the ‘wali’
And most importantly, as a father of the bride-to-be
The first bride-to-be among the other siblings
Of course
There was a nerve-wracking feeling inside him
Everything were mixed up
At the same time
Hoping that everything would went on well
On the day of the solemnization

 p/s:Sorry for the bahasa rojak n grammatical errors. 

I Guess I've Miss You Too Much

To my dearest sisters….
Nusaibah, Sumayyah, Hanan Izzati, Huda Sakeenah

I miss all of you actually. I took some time to look at some pictures of all of you girls as I was triggered to do so without any reasons. Agaknya sebab Kak Nini rindu sangat kot dengan korang nih… hee
Anyway, looking at those pictures does not even make me feel better. Lagi buat Kak Nini rasa sayu adalah…. Sayu tengok adik-adik Kak Nini semua dah besar-besar, dah pandai bergaya. Sebah dengan Maya dah remaja. Muka pun dah matang. Tahun ni bakal mengahadapi peperiksaan PMR dan SPM. It broke my heart actually because I was not able to see all of you growing up in front of me. I spent 5 years at the boarding school and Kak Nini sedar yang Kak Nini banyak ketinggalan pasal korang.

Tau- tau je Huda dah lahir. Kejap lagi balik tengok, eh2, Huda dah pandai merangkak, berjalan. Nanti balik lagi sekali tengok, Hanan dah pandai mengeja. Hanan dah pandai itu, dah pandai ini. And as for you girls yang dah remaja ni, Sebah and Maya, tau2 balik je, korang dah ada ‘skandal’ masing2.Ehem2.. Lepas tu macam-macam la masalah remaja yang korang ceritakan. Gaduh dengan ini, suka itu, suka ini… macam-macam lagila. You see, I am not there to really see the whole events. To really be beside all of you and be the first one to know about what had happened. Selalu mesti dah lambat. And this year, it happens again, Kak Nini dekat UPM sekarang. Tau2 Maya dah pandai buat kek itu, kek ini, pai la apa semua. And I was not there…..

But this is life. The reality that all of us need to accept. The fact that we each have our own way to lead our life. The fact that all of us are growing up and the time passes very fast. Soon, Saibah will be following me. Leaving Maya, Hanan and Huda at home with Ummi and Abi. And soon, all of you will feel the exact same feeling that I have right now….

“Air dicincang takkan putus”. Insya Allah, whatever happens, I will always pray that we will always be strong in facing those challenges and obstacles of life. Together….. I am not a perfect sister. Not even a good one. But I have always struggle to show a good example for you girls to follow. Just to show that… if I can do it, then so do you! Kak Nini sentiasa doakan agar silaturrahim ni sentiasa kukuh dan berkekalan, dan Kak Nini akan selalu doakan kejayaan adik-adik kesayangan Kak Nini dunia dan akhirat. Seorang wanita, anak, ibu dan isteri yang solehah kelak. Amiin…

Lots of love,
Kak Nini <3