#2 Recipe Tryout: One Pot Tomato Basil Pasta

Assalamualaikum wbt

It's Friday, and my mood is at its best since I've been very excited to try out this recipe.
Alhamdulillah, family members enjoyed it =)

To give a little Asian twist, I've added Bunapi and Bunashimeji mushroom.
All in one pot: linguine pastas, mushroom, basil, tomatoes, shallots, garlic, red pepper flakes, black pepper, and olive oil

Everything is put in a pot and is cooked all at once, together. It turned out almost like a fried pasta. Ehem. But it taste quite good though. I just need to add more water the next time I make this so that there will be more gravy.

The One Pot Tomato Basil Pasta now in one plate.

Alright, 2nd recipe tryout: DONE!

The 2014 Ultimate Resolution: 100 Recipes to Try

Assalamualaikum wbt

Day 30 of 2014.
So one of my resolution for the new year is to try out 100 new recipes. Challenge accepted!

Ini resipi Ayam Masak Madu sebenarnya. Tapi disebabkan aku terlebih kicap dan sos tiram, jadi hasilnya tak seperti yang aku bayangkan, maka aku bagi nama resipi ni Ayam Madu Gelap. So I guess this is the first recipe to be tried this year ey? Huahuahua!

And to accompany this dish, I've made Potato Salad. Oh well. I can never make one as delicious as Maya's potato salad. *sigh*

So that's my achievement setelah lama tak masuk dapur dan gian nak keletang keletung bagi bising. Muehehe.  And today, Cinnamon Roll again! To fulfill Ummi's request and to welcome Maya home from PLKN. Alhamdulillah, it works for the third time! and to add in the joy, cinnamon roll is finally completed with successful vanilla sugar glaze. Yeay!

Mengharapkan agar kerajinan dan semangat ke dapur ini tetap ada supaya azam dapat dicapai. Hehe. More recipes to come! Insya Allah =)

Love Letter from Someone

Assalamualaikum wbt

One by one has left the house. We are all taking a different journey. Now everyone is gathered at home. Reading good books, sharing each of our own stories, baking, and lazying around, life is so far so good. Especially with two adorably annoying little girls.

" Hanan dapat surat jugak"
" Dapat surat? Sampai hati tak bagitau kat kakak-kakak?!"
" Hanan cerita kat Ummi je laa"
" Nak baca surat tu"
" Hanan dah tanam dah surat tu"
" Kau tanam??!!"
" Yela, Hanan tak suka. Dahla letak bedak. Habis bedak tu tumpah kat beg Hanan"


Well it never happened to me. Ehem.
But to hear this from her at the age where we thought we've grown up enough, it became hilarious! Muahaha

Ini Soal Hati

Assalamualaikum wbt

Pabila pujian yang diberi tiada lagi menyenangkan hati, hanya mendatangkan rasa benci, maka andaian aku, pujian yang diberi, sekadar ingin mengambil hati.

Pabila rasa cukup tidak datang menjengah hati, kerap ingin menambah lagi, maka bersyukur itulah jalan yang terbaik.

Mind Rant 3

Assalamualaikum wbt

Tugas aku selesai. Lega. Ini tugas paling berat pernah digalas kerana kau bermain dengan emosi engkau sendiri, juga emosi orang lain. Di tempat aku, aku cuba beri yang terbaik. Di mata mereka, tempat aku ini tidak mereka rasa. Sangka mereka semuanya hanya pura-pura. Semuanya rekaan belaka. Semuanya, lakonan semata.

Engkau yang tidak pernah berdiri di sini, jangan pernah cuba untuk memberi andaian yang engkau sendiri pun tidak pasti. Memang, semua akan pertahankan diri, bahawa 'aku tidak salah, tapi sebenarnya engkau'. Tidak pernah pun mahu bertimbang rasa dan berkata bahwa kita semua telah sama-sama berusaha. Tuding jari satu pada orang lain tapi empat pada diri sendiri.

Sampai bila pun, persepsi ini tidak akan berubah.

Mind Rant 2

Assalamualaikum wbt

Of the consistency that they can make.
Of the courage that they have to keep moving forward.
Of the strong faith within them that helps them to be better and better each day.

If they can make it,
I can do it too!

Kalau mereka mampu,
Begitu juga aku.

I Won't Give Up

Assalamualaikum wbt

(cover by Alex G and Tyler Ward)

"I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make"
- I Won't Give Up, Jason Mraz 


Assalamualaikum wbt

Memang manusia tiada yang sempurna,
Dan kita sendiri pun tidak mahu yang bercacat cela.

Tapi bila kita bisa belajar menerima,
Segala-galanya akan kelihatan berbeza.

            Sebab kita juga seperti mereka,
            Penuh cela.

Mari Sini, Mahu Ajar Erti Syukur

Assalamualaikum wbt

Agen perisik tidak berbayar.
Illegal as well.

Aku melihat pada kehidupan sesetengah manusia yang lain,
Yang kehidupannya umpama dilitupi awan kelam,
Dan bandingkan dengan diri aku,
Ternyata jauh lebih bertuah.


Tidak apalah hidup tidak begitu mewah.
Kadang seluk kocek, keluar habuk pula.
Kadang buka dompet, keluar bil lama sahaja.

Ada waktu-waktu sempit,
Sibuk kumpul duit sen,
Cari celah-belah barang,
Nak cukupkan seringgit tiga puluh sen,
Buat beli nasi lemak isi perut pagi,
Tengaharinya ikat perut hingga malam,
Air kosong diteguk buat pujuk perut lapar.
Kata pada diri, nak buat sedap hati,
"Tak apalah. Ini cabaran hidup pelajar.
Ada orang duit nak belajar pun tak dapat."

Itulah orang kata
Kalau banding biar dengan yang kurang,
Bukan banding dengan yang lebih.
Buat ajar rasa syukur.

Harta mencurah belanja mewah,
Hendak buat apa kalau hidup kian tersasar?

Hai awak,
Biarlah hidup susah,
Asal tidak kenal kalah,
Tetap usaha cari hidayah,
Supaya hidup penuh barakah.


Love's Shadow

Assalamualaikum wbt

In the mid of exam, I finally ended this reading.

Love's Shadow by Ada Leverson.
To be honest, the title and the book cover caught my eyes first.
It was hard to understand at first of what the story is about, and soon, like any other readers, without even you realising it, you start to understand little by little as you were submerged into the storyboard, following one by one of the stories inside, as if you were in it and observing every scenes that happened. Hiks.

Typical love stories and dilemma with some twists added. About the boring husband and devoted wife, a sensitive wife and a patient husband, young lady's jealousy, unrequited love and..... love's shadow. A worth to read =)
'You must remember in life sometimes little things won't go right'
 - Sir Charles to Hyacinth

Welcome 2014!

Assalamualaikum wbt

The 8th of January. In the year of 2014. How fast time flies eh?
Just like the years before, I'll be writing down my resolutions in the diary. This year, more to come insya Allah. Got some personal projects to be done, hopefully everything will go on smoothly.

So what to expect in this new year? New experiences of course.

Looking back throughout the year of 2013, I'd never thought I would be involving and accomplishing so much! Seriously, 6 dining events? Who would ever thought we could work it out and make it successful!  In the same year, I'd travel to two different places with beloved coursemates, Langkawi and Melaka. Exploring the other side of the culture and nature. I'd also gained new experiences from the protocol team and learn how to manage events from A to Z. With events, tasks and assignments piled up all at once until you got tensed and broke down, woke up later for you didn't want to give up, and had all ended successfully, you can never believe that you'd actually done all that! What else to demand because that's more than what you need!

Hopefully, this year, I would be accomplishing more.
Of course, at the same time, I put on the hope of having the strong faith and strong heart to face each obstacles and challenges before achieving the rewards. The satisfaction.

Hoping for a better year, may Allah ease.


Assalamualaikum wbt

Dan ingat, gurauan tu berpada.
Sentap sentap sentap =(