Cemburu Buta

Assalamualaikum wbt

Cemburu buta tu bukan sebab tak pakai spek.
Kalau tak pakai spek, tu cemburu rabun.

Cemburu ni memang tak nampak apa-apa.
Tiada mata katanya.
Atau ada mata, tapi ditampakkan dengan segala yang tak kena.
Berdarah mengalir dari mata bagai ditusuk dengan sesuatu yang tajam.
Tiada lagi berfungsi
Kerana mata hati yang sepatutnya menunjukkan kebenaran pun dipengaruhi.
Tulah yang jadi cemburu buta.

To Love or Not To

Assalamualaikum wbt

If I am to love,
I'll love the person who loves me,
Not the person whom I love.

But if both loves each other,
Luck is on both sides.

In Memory, ATPN

Assalamualaikum wbt

Pagi-pagi begini, masih dalam usaha yang gigih untuk siapkan lab report yang tertangguh memandangkan aku mengambil keputusan untuk tidur awal semalam -.-'

Asrama Toh Puan Norashikin.

Tiba-tiba teringat.

Lalu di pagi hari ini jugalah aku menjadi stalker terhebat,
Membelek satu per satu untuk ku lihat perkembangan mereka. 

Kini, setelah 3 tahun berlalu, makin kurang khabar cerita didengar.
Tentang mereka yang pernah menemani aku bersama harung cerita 5 tahun.

Aku tiada gambar bersamaku untuk aku lihat kembali.
Banyak gambar aku buang. Namun tidak semua.
Hanya kerana aku tidak mahu melihat diriku yang dulu.
Penuh jahil.

Tidaklah juga maksudku bahawa kini aku umpama malaikat.
Suci sempurna tiada cela.

Cumanya aku ingin melangkah,
ke depan dengan penuh gagah,
dengan penuh tabah,
ke arah Maghfirah.

Cerita dan kenangan lalu biar simpan dalam ingatan ini.
Kelak kita berkumpul semula,
Kita sama-sama kongsi cerita ye.

Jujur ni,
Aku rindu.

Luka Dewasa

Assalamualaikum wbt

"Dan yang terpenting,
luka akan mendewasakan cinta kita.
Menjadi benar-benar baru,
walau dengan cerita duka masa lalu.
Aku ingin kau setia,
seperti cintaku yang tak pernah sama sekali berubah."
- Tia Setiawati Priatna


Assalamualaikum wbt

Tak ada kopi untuk diminum. Ini pun jadilah. 


Assalamualaikum wbt

Ini si kucing yang buat release tension bila serabut. Muehehe


Academically Hectic

Assalamualaikum wbt

Assignments and programs lining up to be settled, so far, this has been the most hectic week ever! But Alhamdulillah, we managed to get through all of it. Allah eased us in such a way that made me feel blessed. Again, alhamdulillah.

With 3 academic programs to be handled in a week, life became so busy and I knew I couldn't handle them on my own. Even with my assistant, we still can't manage it well. Have to admit that. So this is when we decided to let the two big programs: Malam Anugerah Pengetua and Workshop for Academic Improvement, for the juniors to handle, while we focused on Mentor-mentee program. Alhamdulillah, with the guidance and the teamwork, everything went smoothly. 

You see, I'm not proud or amazed with the success of all these programs held. What I was amazed and touched was the spirit and commitment that they gave during the work progress. Despite being 'inexperienced' in the field of event management, they could still manage to get it through. It's their strong will of learning new things that drove them to make the success.

The ultimate aim is not to see the plans went on successfully. That will be another thing to achieve. What we are aiming is the bond, the teamwork, the commitment, the moral values, the friendships, the new knowledge and experiences that they have all portrayed and gained throughout the weeks that they had went through. We've seen that. I've seen that. And I was touched.

Being able to see the happy faces for the success they've gained was one of the most wonderful thing ever. A memorable one. Indeed. Thank you to everyone and not to forget, the former MTM of Academic, that have been helping so much by giving the proper guidance and advices to all of us. We couldn't be doing this without your help.

Crew of Malam Anugerah Pengetua
Crew of Workshop for Academic Improvement
Now that everything is over for this semester, I shall focus on the upcoming big events. Most importantly, the final exam that is just around the corner. Ggaaahhhh!


Assalamualaikum wbt

Terasa tidak senang pula bila baca.


Aku harap engkau mengetahui,
Bahawa setiap kali aku tidak dapat bersama,
Rasa bersalah pasti menyelubungi diri.

Aku tahu engkau memahami.

Kita Tidak Kan Selalu Cinta

Assalamualaikum wbt

Manusia ini, jika bercinta,
Bukanlah sepanjang masa dia kan bercinta.
Ada hari-hari yang teruk perlu dilalui,
Dan kau dipinggir,
Dialah yang akan jadi orang yang paling kau benci.
Ada hari-hari yang gembira,
Dia menjadi yang pertama untuk disampaikan cerita,
Dialah yang akan jadi orang yang paling kau cinta.

Kadang kau celoteh panjang,
Penuh ruang dengan tawa yang riang.
Kadang kau diam membisu,
Sepi ruang tu penuh lesu.

Kasih manusia itu kan bermusim.
Apa harapan tinggi lagi yang perlu kau letak?

Sebab itu cinta tertinggi itu terletak padaNya.
Kau suka, kau duka. Dia sentiasa ada.
Sedikit pun tidak jauh. Malah makin dekat.


Untukmu Palestin

Assalamualaikum wbt

Untukmu Palestin (For You Palestine), by Raihan.

I remembered listening to this song during my primary school year. I was not even 10 at that time. And now, I'm already 20. It has been soooooo long but the issue has not yet faded as the condition over there is worsen day by day.

Through the song, we were reminded of the suffer and hardships that the Palestinians need to face. A song dedicated to them as a reminder to continue having the strong faith and patience in waiting  Allah's promise of giving Muslims the victory. A song dedicated for us too so that we will always remember them in our prayers.

Palestine, you'll always be remembered,
In prayers and in other occasions,
Insya Allah. 


Assalamualaikum wbt

Memang benarlah rezeki Allah bagi dalam pelbagai bentuk.
Tak dapat satu ni,
Mungkin didatangkan rezeki pada perkara lain.
Kerana hanya Dia yang mengetahui apa yang terbaik

Insya Allah.

Penghargaan pada Penulisan

Assalamualaikum wbt

Penulisan pendek,
Penulisan panjang.
Setiap itu punya maknanya dan nilainya.

Seperti juga karya filem,
Baik pendek atau panjang,
Penulisan juga berhak diberikan penghargaan.

Kerna di setiap aksara itu punya mesej yang ingin disampaikan.
Sebuah luahan.
Sebuah pengajaran.

Jangan kau abaikan.

Dear Muslimah, You Are Unique!

Assalamualaikum wbt

I thought that this is something sweet to be shared with all the muslimah out there.

When you wear the proper hijab, you are indeed making a statement, that you are a Muslim woman, from that very step you have stand out already, you have delivered the message to the people that you embody the rules and regulations of Islam, that you by that very time you stepped out of your house wearing that proper hijab, you tell the people, i am worshipping my God and i do not care if i please your eyes or not, what i care for is if i please my God and protect myself. 

When we are Muslims, we are Islam, we represent our religion so let us be most moderate, most sensitive and most careful whenever we speak about our deen.
We can motivate, uplift and make others understand better our deen if our tongues are are also embodied with hijab. 

And to all my sisters in Islam, i know all of us are struggling in her own ways so let me remind you,
"O Muslimah, you staying firm to your faith, protecting and guarding your modesty (both by dressing and by your tongue) is what makes you beautiful, what makes you stand out and unique.
You being able to shun off the “trends” and  what is in” and keeping the sunnah and all, girl you going High with your ajr, so keep it up, please Thy Creator. I along with the millions of your sisters in the deen,We got your back girl. We got your back.

Sometimes what a sister in the deen really needs is just to be assured that through her struggle someone understands her, that she is not alone in this journey, that when she looks back she doesn’t see her shadow rather she sees millions of people who are supporting her, and that is our duty my dear sisters, so be one of those. 
Who else would guard our backs but our own kind? Let us rebuild the sisterhood, let us rebuild it. 

So sister, I am telling you, i am struggling just like you, but this doesn’t shun me from telling you that I love you for the sake of Allaah and I am with you, and as long as i am breathing through the Mercy of Allaah, I am with you, I may not be physically there but know that in my du’as you are there. Please habibti you do not need to follow the trends, you just need to follow your heart, where Allaah lies.

Moderate the watching of these hijab tutorials, keep the modesty, read a book, learn about the life of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wassalaam, the life of the sahabah radiyallahu anhum, learn about the manners of an ilm seeker, there are so much other things to do than getting hooked up into these tutorials. I’m not saying stop it but recommending you to moderate it, in sha Allaah.


Stories of the sahabah: Award for My Sisters

Sushi Mushi Tushi

Assalamualaikum wbt

Hujan sepanjang hari di UPM. Dari awal pagi tadi sehinggalah ketika ini, jam 9.59 malam, hujan masih belum berhenti. Sekejap renyai, sekejap lebat. Tenang dan sejuk sahaja harini. Mungkin, Allah nak bagi waktu panjang untuk kita berdoa dan untuk Dia makbulkan. Waktu hujan kan waktu mustajab berdoa. Hujan rahmat Insya Allah =)

Roommate keluar harini dan sebelum dia pergi, aku pesan benda yang aku dah teringiiiiiiiin sangat nak makan. Dah lama dah 'mengidam'. Muehehehe. 


Ngidamku dah dipenuhi. Thank you Mache sudi tolong belikan. 
Alhamdulillah for this.

Masih lagi hujan.
Allahumma soyyiban nafi'an