Iftar With love: ATPN 2010

Assalamualaikum wbt

Lama sudah tidak bersua,
Makin manis molek semuanya

3 tahun mungkin bukan masa yang lama, tapi cukup lamalah untuk mencipta ruang rindu yang kian menebal antara kami. eheh eheh! =P

Alhamdulillah, dapat berjumpa dengan mereka semua adalah satu rezeki dari Allah yang dah diaturkan dengan cukup indah. Ini hanya sebahagian kecil sahaja, insya Allah, ada rezeki, kita berkumpul lagi dengan seluruh batch Asrama Toh Puan Norasyikin 2010. Ini pun kami ajak mana yang dekat dan berkelapangan sahaja.

Kami berkumpul di Masjid Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Shah Alam untuk berbuka puasa secara ringan, solat Maghrib dan kemudian baru bergerak ke Plaza Alam Sentral. Table for 10 has been reserved at Kenny Roger's Roasters and they were waiting. Yeay!  

Those were the days in hostel bila....
Kecoh-kecoh sebelum bermula solat jemaah di surau
Makan bersama di dewan makan 
Berkumpul bersama-sama dan saling bertukar cerita

Dan itu semua berulang kembali, cuma di situasi yang berbeza di mana kami makin menginjak dewasa, mula merantau ke tempat yang berbeza, dan berusaha menjadi orang yang berguna.

Alhamdulillah dengan pertemuan ini. Insya Allah, di masa akan datang, kita berkumpul labih ramai hokeyh! Ukhuwah fillah abadan abada =)


Istanbul Aku Datang!

Assalamualaikum wbt


I'll be here one day insya Allah.
Ini impian yang sudah lama tersimpan.
Masjid Biru dan Hagia Sophia.
Moga dimakbulkan doa untuk sampai ke sini =)

Ini Cerita Milo

Assalamualaikum wbt

Ini... cerita Milo.

Neslo kegemaran hampir siap.

Air dalam cawan itu aku kacau, tambahkan satu sudu milo ke dalamnya dan satu lagi sudu masuk dalam mulut.


Aku masukkan lagi satu sudu milo ke dalam mulut. Oh sedapnyaaa!!

Dah lama tak ratah milo macamni. Kalau dulu, inilah kerja kami tiga beradik (sebelum Huda dan Hanan lahir), sampai kena marah sebab milo cepat sangat habis, serbuknya berterabur sana sini, dan baju kotor sebab milo tumpah sewaktu disuap masuk ke dalam mulut.

Cakap pasal Milo...


Kalau tak silap aku, di rumah ada seekor kucing. Namanya Milo. Anak kucinglah to be exact. Dan kemudian kucing ini Ummi berikan pada Pak Long Sani untuk dibela.

Lama tak dengar cerita, sehinggalah sampai satu hari Ummi tanya:" Milonya ada lagi tak?". Pak Long jawab:" Dah tak ada dah. Kena langgar dengan kereta haritu, biji matanya terkeluar."

Ini... cerita Milo.


Assalamualaikum wbt

There will be a time when you reach at one age, and you will start to think about things that had happened few years back. ANYTHING that you've done. Without you realizing, you are bringing yourself into a dilemma of the decisions that you'd make before. You will start to feel wrong to the things you thought right, and probably right, to the things that you thought was wrong.

Teenage dilemma.

That was what Ummi said.

A Fan of White

Assalamualaikum wbt

Ugh, being a huge fan of white. This is something that I cannot take my eyes off.

Too cute to be resisted. 
Really. I want this! ='(

Welcoming Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum wbt

Alhamdulillah, it's the start of the month of Ramadhan. It was raining for hours yesterday as if it was meant to 'wash' away all the of the evils and marked the arrival of Ramadhan with honor. I cleaned and tidied up the house, mopped the floor, and so on, just because of my excitements to welcome this holy month. The Quran recitements on the tv, followed by the nasyid songs add up to the excitements in me. Well, indeed, we do not have to wait for Raya to clean up the house right?

And to fulfill Maya's request, I've made some chocolate chip cookies. I got the recipe from allrecipes.com.

Dare to be tempted!

Anyway, alhamdulillah that we've been given the opportunity to perform this ibadah again. Let's cleanse our heart and make it sincere. Take this month to make self-reflection, try our best to make this Ramadhan better and meaningful than the year before, and be a better Muslim of course. Insya Allah. May Allah ease all of our tasks and provide us with a sincere heart to obey all of His commands. =)

Seksyen Berapa?

Assalamualaikum wbt

Sedang dalam perjalanan untuk ambil adik-adik di Perpustakaan Raja Tun Uda, Shah Alam.
Aku bertanyakan Abi satu soalan:" Abi, seksyen 7 kat mana?", dan Abi jawab:"Seksyen 7 dekat UiTM tu la.". Hanya satu soalan. SATU SOALAN dan sepanjang perjalanan Abi tunjukkan setiap seksyen. Haiyaaa.

"Haa, sini seksyen 30."

Aku angguk 

"Ha yang sana tu seksyen 24"

Aku angguk

Lalu di depan Hotel Concorde,
"Yang ni seksyen 9, sebelah ni seksyen 10"

Aku angguk.

"Abi rasa yang dekat Stadium tu seksyen 15"

Aku angguk

Angguk sahajalah.
Walau dari kecil aku tinggal di Shah Alam dan kawasan berdekatan,
berulang-alik beribu-ribu kali dari Shah Alam-Klang,
sampai bila pun aku rasa aku tak mampu ingat semua seksyen yang ada.


Assalamualaikum wbt

At the age of almost 20,
I already know how to drive a car.
I'm in love with cooking and baking.
I'm in love with photography.

So I think,
I should get myself a car, a complete set of baking and cooking tools, and a good DSLR camera.

and.... I should really work on the plan of traveling to the North with friends. I MUST make it happen!  

One problem is.... how?



Tidak hanya datang dalam sengsara mahupun duka.
Sesuatu yang kita sayang itu juga adalah ujian.
Malah boleh jadi ujian yang paling hebat sekali.
Maka dengan itu, sabar.
Itu cukup indah.

Warisan Sifat

Assalamualaikum wbt

Tentang aku.

Aku tahu aku tidak punya rupa cerah seperti Ummi,
tapi aku tinggi ikut Abi.

Aku cenderung di dapur seperti Ummi,
tapi aku tak minda bisnes seperti Abi.

Dari Abi, aku punya kepimpinan namun, ego.
Dari Ummi, aku punya kreativiti namun, gopoh.
Ada positif, ada negatif.

Aku bilang 'gopoh'.
Ummi bilang 'clumsy'.
Rakan bilang 'gelabah'.

Itu aku dan Ummi.

Itu aku dan Abi.

Baik dan buruk,
masih ada kesinambungannya.
Harus bijak mengawal,
biar cukup sederhana.

Aku ada dua-dua.
Aku bersyukur apa adanya.
Kerna tanpa mereka, aku tiada.

Despicable Me 2

Assalamualaikum wbt

Their silliness is cute.


Assalamualaikum wbt

In Malay we call it sengkuang. It is pronounced as 'hi-ke-ma'. Don't feel stupid if you can't pronounce it correctly at first. I did the same mistake too and I pronounced it as 'jee-ke-ma'. Ugh. Obviously I don't have a wide vocab library in my head.

I love eating raw jicama and dip it with kuah rojak. Yum! I remember the canteen at my hostel used to sold a big slice of raw jicama, spread it with red sauce and sprinkle some sugary-crushed-peanuts on it. Each for 40 cents. I bought two. Hehe

The jicama at home has been in the fruit basket for so long and so I decided to use it for cooking this week. As a result: jicama salad and stir-fried jicama.

I thought of making this salad when I was watching Real Cooking on Food Network Channel. I want to make it as simple as I could, so I simply combined jicama, tomato, cucumber, onions and jalapeno, add some squeezes of lemon, lastly, sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Usually if I malas and lack of idea of preparing tasty dishes, salad is the only option that I have. Well at least I cook. Adik-adik, please be grateful! =P

The recipe for stir fried jicama was actually meant for the filling of Pie Tee, but I used that as a dish. I'd never thought that jicama can be used in cooking because I thought the taste would be awful, but I was wrong. It tasted sweet and delicate.

I modified the recipe by replacing the palm oil with sesame oil. Yes, it taste better! The aroma of sesame oil was simply amazing. The strong taste somehow complement the mixed vegies and produced one simple yet tasty dish. Oh, did I just compliment myself? Forgive me for that, heee.

I'm glad that I am able to practice my cooking and culinary skills at home. It's a good sign that I'm enjoying my course =)

The Love Journey

Assalamualaikum wbt

Love is a journey, not a destination. To be in love takes a lifetime, and if you’re lucky, an eternal lifetime in the Hereafter as well. Throughout their lives together, two people will embark on a journey of growth, struggle, happiness, patience, and learning a completely new vocabulary of words to show admiration, anger, compassion, understanding, hatred, lust, and passion. Just as in any other adventurous journey, they will come upon moments when they will question whether or not it’s worth it to keep going. The ones that have lost their way in love will look back and say, “I’m already too far out, there’s no point turning back," while those still in love will look forward and say, “Today may be tough, but let’s keep going and see if we can make tomorrow better." Which path their journey takes depends on the two people and their drive to reignite their love often, to make sure they have enough light to make it to the Hereafter. So, before embarking on this journey with anyone, ask yourself if you feel the two of you will be looking backwards or forwards when your love is tested. Find the one that keeps pushing you forward towards greatness, and not the one that keeps holding you back. And remember, mirages are common at the beginning of every relationship journey.” 

---- Nadir Keval

Happy 47th Birthday Ummi!

Assalamualaikum wbt

I woke up very early today at 5am, and did not get back into my warm cosy bed. That's an achievement! Anyway, here I am, enjoying the morning breeze, and as a typical Malaysian, teh tarik is here to accompany me, hehee. Subhanallah, today's weather is lovely I must say! It looks like rain is about to pour, but it's not. The sun is bright but did not turn its heat on. I let the windows open a bit wider to let the cold wind enter the house through them. Lovely!

Anyway, yesterday was Ummi's birthday. She is 47 already. See how fast time flies? =(
Just a simple celebration and that afternoon, Abi came and brought a big Strawberry Vanilla cake and as usual, a bouquet of roses. Red and beige. Sweet!


I've made some jellies. Konnyaku to be exact. Filled with cocktail fruits, and I did have fun playing with colours and pour in the jelly mixture into the mould. Since we do not have any proper multi-shapes-mould, so I used the ice cube container to replace them. Good idea eyt?

In the evening, as 'promised' by Saibah, she became the chef and cooked for all of us a nice Korean dish. Kimchi stew, seaweed egg rolls and some stir fried vegies. It was a lovely dinner. 

Alhamdulillah for all of these. And Ummi, Happy Birthday! May Allah bless you and continue to give you the strength in facing life challenges. Insya Allah.

The Sweetheart and The Chatterbox

Yes, they are.

Huda Sakeenah and Hanan Izzati

Cinnamon Rolls, Again?

Assalamualaikum wbt

Ummi granted my wish. Kuah kacang and kuah lodeh, together with nasi impit. A perfect Sunday! Thank you Ummi, I love you!

Yes, cinnamon rolls again, to fulfill Ummi and Abi's request. Heee... Alhamdulillah, again, a successful bread-making. Although..... ermm, the taste was kinda spoiled with a fail attempt of lemon sugar glaze. haih.

And the youngest one in the house, Huda was such a sweetheart for helping out to wash all the dishes that night. Thank you Huda! =)

p/s: Ummi's birthday tomorrow. Saibah will be the chef of the day - Korean dish of course. Oh, can't wait for it!