Break The Silence, With Love

Silencio - Nelly Furtado ft Josh Groban

An addiction. Now.

Mawar lagi!

Mawar itu...
Jangan biar pudar warnanya.

Girls Talk : Marriage

Assalamualaikum wbt...

It's girls talk. Or ladies, I supposed, hee. I know. Because boys don't really talk about all these stuffs : MARRIAGE.

To have a perfect marriage is every girls' dream. Everybody's dream. Doesn't matter how each person would describe that 'perfect' marriage. 

At the age of 19, talking about marriage is a typical thing. It doesn't sounds awkward anymore. It doesn't even seem rare. Everyone wants it, and so they talk about it. Don't you think?

I watched wedding videos on youtube.
I felt 'awwwww...sweet' when the groom successfully pronounce :" Aku terima nikahnya........ tunai!" and the bride's tears of joy rolling down her cheek.
I read all those books, articles and words regarding early marriage, life after marriage,and so on.
I went to ceramah regarding love and all those relating stuffs.
I even have friends who are already married, and have their own child, and seeing the happy face when they are around with their husband and kids, really, really, really, make me envy!

All of these marriage stuffs going around, somehow had really influenced me, or a simpler word : PSYCHO! Seriously!

There's one old man said this to me ( and my friends at that time) :
"Jangan kahwin dulu ye!Belajar bagi habis dulu, kerja bagus-bagus, cari duit, tolong mak bapak dulu, baru kahwin."

Hah! Felt like somebody had just slapped me right on my face at that time.

Back to the reality.

Marriage. Talking about it was sooooo easy. But life after it? We can never predict. One thing for sure, it is not easy as we thought.

Well, we all want one, don't we?

But I always calm myself down and say: " Be patient, the time will come. Insya Allah."
Ummi has always remind me too.
So, let's just be positive. With yourself, with the fate, with Allah.
We have the power of du'a. Use it!
Insecurity and curiosity will be there, and it's hard to get rid them of them.
Just smile and do not worry a thing. 
If it's meant to be, it will be.